Verification Planning and Management
This track will define terms, logically divide up the verification effort, and lay the foundation for actual verification planning and management on a real project.

Why Plan?
This session moves beyond general fear based justifications for increased verification efforts to logical reasons for why verification typically is more overall effort than the actual design. -
Why It's Hard
This session covers seven historical reasons as to why the overall verification effort and verification planning in general is difficult. -
Plan of Attack
This session goes towards dividing up all that work into some logical categories and coming up with a plan of attack for overall verification success.
The verification of any design of size is a daunting task that requires successful forethought in the form of formulating, architecting, strategizing and documenting an overall verification blueprint. The value of creating such a blueprint at the start of a project has been proven out through gathered metrics of successful projects. This verification planning and management (VPM) course is a 3 part, 90 min introduction towards creating such a verification blueprint.The goal of verification planning and management is to architect an overall verification approach, and then to document that approach in a family of useful, easily extracted, maintainable verification documents that will strategically guide the overall verification effort so that the most amount of verification is accomplished in the allotted time. The aim of this course is to define terms, logically divide up the verification effort, and lay the foundation for actual verification planning and management on a real project.
This material is introductory only, as it is a modification of the first few presentations an entire set of over 20 VPM presentations/discussions that are custom applied to an actual project where they guide the creation of verification documentation and implementation.