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    Author: Matthew Ballance - Mentor, A Siemens Business Introduction: Creating sufficient tests to verify today’s complex designs is a key verification challenge, and this challenge is present from IP block-level verification all the way to SoC validation. The Accellera Portable Test and Stimulus Standard (PSS) promises to boost verification reuse by allowing a single description of test intent to be reused across IP block, subsystem, and SoC verification environments, and provides powerful language features to address verification needs across the verification levels and address the specific requirement of verification reuse. However, much as powerful object-oriented features in the Java and C++ languages didn’t automatically result in high-quality reusable code, the PSS standard’s language features on their own do not guarantee productive reuse of test intent. Judiciously applied, reuse of design IP and test intent can dramatically reduce rework and avoid mistakes introduced during the rework process. In addition, just as reuse of design IP accelerates the creation of new designs, reuse of test intent accelerates the creation of new test scenarios. However, effective reuse of test intent requires up-front planning, in the same way that reuse of design IP or software code does. Without a well-planned process, reuse can backfire and require more work without providing proportionate benefits. This paper will help you to design a PSS reuse strategy that matches the goals and profile of your organization, and maximizes the benefits you receive by adopting PSS. Anatomy of a Portable Stimulus Description: The PSS language was designed with the requirements of test intent reuse, and automated test creation in mind. The requirement to allow test intent to be reused across a variety of very different platforms drove the PSS language to enable a clean and clear distinction between test intent and test realization, as shown in Figure 1. In a PSS description, test intent specifies the high-level view of what behavior is to be exercised. PSS test intent is captured in a declarative manner. Declarative descriptions, as we’ve seen from the use of the declarative constraint description in SystemVerilog, lend themselves very nicely to reuse and automation. Both of these requirements are well-served by declarative language features. Declarative languages deal with the what rather than that how by specifying rules that bound the legal space of what can happen. If you’ve used SystemVerilog constraints, you’ve used a declarative language to specify rules for legal stimulus data values. The PSS language extends the data-centric declarative description that SystemVerilog provides to the scenario level, allowing rules to be captured that not only specify data relationships, but also specify temporal relationships between scenario elements called actions: View & Download: Read the entire Unleashing Portable Stimulus Productivity with a PSS Reuse Strategy technical paper.