Assigning a bit in SV Assertion

In reply to atanu.biswas:

You are incorrectly applying the first_match
Should be

property data_check;
@(clk) @rose(write_cycle) ##0 first_match(##[1:5] signal_to_check == write_data) |-> ((signal_to_check == write_data) until $rose(write_cycle));

  1. you don’t need the |-> after the 1st rose because if there is no match then the assertion is vacuous.
  2. ##[1:5] first_match(expr) is same as
    ##[1:5] expr because expr sequence is of one cycle.
    Actually it is ##1 first_match(expr) or ##2 first_match(expr) or…

Whereas first_match(##[1:5] expr) picks the 1st match of the sequence (##[1:5] expr)
Thus, it picks the first_match of the sequence
##1 expr or ##2 expr or… ##5 expr.
