Assertion for check SOP signal loss

I have interface with SOP and EOP signals.
I would like to write an assertion that will control for loss SOP signal. That is the EOP signal comes again without SOP.
I wrote this design:

sva_sop_loss: assert property (eop |=> !eop throughout ##[*] sop)
else $error(“%m”);

This worked well untill it became necessary to process packets where SOP and EOP signals could arrive at the same time. In such cases, false positives occured.
Than I assumed that $rose(SOP) occurs earlier than EOP and wrote this:

sva_sop_loss: assert property (eop |=> !eop throughout ##[*] $rose(sop))
else $error(“%m”);

But that didn’t work either. In the end I came up with this:

sva_sop_loss: assert property (eop |=> (!eop | sop&eop) throughout ##[*] sop)
else $error(“%m”);

It seems to work, but there are doubts that this approach is correct. How do you think?

In reply to DefaultName:
Your approach looks OK, but I took a different approach with support logic that addresses other cases. specifically, i address the following requirements

  1. if(eop) then an sop has happened
  2. Every sop has its own eop
  3. After an sop no new sop until an eop

See my paper on support logic, the link is in my signature below.

module top;
    `include "uvm_macros.svh"
    import uvm_pkg::*;
    bit clk, sop, eop, sop_happen;
    int sop_count, eop_count;
    default clocking @(posedge clk);
    initial forever #10 clk = !clk;
    // Support logic to detect the occurence of a sop 
    always @(posedge clk) begin
       if(sop) sop_happen<=1'b1; 
       if(eop & !sop) sop_happen <= 1'b0;
    // if an eop then sop happened in the past 
    ap_eop_with_sop: assert property(eop |-> sop_happen==1);
    // **********
    // Functions to maintain the counts of sop, eop 
    function void inc_sop();
    endfunction: inc_sop
    function void inc_eop();
    endfunction: inc_eop
    // Every sop has its own eop 
    property p_sop_eop; 
      int sop_flag;
        (sop, sop_flag=sop_count, inc_sop()) |=> eop[->1] ##0 eop_count==sop_flag;
    // Pass or fail, the eop count is incremented 
    ap_sop_eop: assert property(p_sop_eop) inc_eop(); else inc_eop(); 

    initial begin
      bit v_a, v_b, v_err;
      repeat (200) begin
        @(posedge clk);
        if (!randomize(
                v_a, v_b, v_err
            ) with {
              v_a dist {
                1'b1 := 1,
                1'b0 := 1
              v_b dist {
                1'b1 := 1,
                1'b0 := 2
              v_err dist {
                1'b1 := 1,
                1'b0 := 15
          `uvm_error("MYERR", "This is a randomize error");
        sop <= v_a;
        if (v_err == 0) eop <= v_b;
        else eop <= !v_b;

Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
  2. Free books:
  1. Papers:
    Understanding the SVA Engine,
    Verification Horizons
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA, part 1
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA, part 2
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA - Part II
    SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
    SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment
    SVA for statistical analysis of a weighted work-conserving prioritized round-robin arbiter.
    Udemy courses by Srinivasan Venkataramanan (

In reply to

You could add

p_eop_sop_eop: assert property(
          eop |-> sop[->1] ##0 eop[->1]);


In reply to
Thanks, Ben

In reply to DefaultName:

// On this other addition, note that by itself
p_eop_sop_eop: assert property(
          eop |-> sop[->1] ##0 eop[->1]);
// it does not address the case of 2 eop, like 
//  eop ... eop ... sop ... eop 
// It also does not address the case of 2 sop, like 
//  sop ... sop ... eop 
// My first solutions do adddress thse points. 


In reply to DefaultName:

You can try this :
//property declaration
property EOP_EOP_SOP(clk,SOP,EOP,valid);
@(negedge clk) ((EOP && !SOP) |=> (!(EOP && valid && !SOP) throughout EOP[->1]));

//property instance
u_EOP_EOP_SOP : assert property (EOP_EOP_SOP(clk_signal,SOP_signal,EOP_signal,valid_signal)) else `uvn_error(“top”,“EOP was set twice without SOP”)

In reply to shaygueta:

  1. Your property looks good, and it addresses some aspects of the requirements.
property EOP_EOP_SOP(clk,SOP,EOP,valid);
@(negedge clk) ((EOP && !SOP) |=> (!(EOP && valid && !SOP) throughout EOP[->1]));

  1. I get the impression from the original question that the verification engineer did not write a verification plan in English, but instead directly started to write assertions based on his/her understanding of the requirements. I talked about EXPRESSING REQUIREMENTS in my paper
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA, part 1
    Reflections on Users’ Experiences with SVA | Verification Horizons - March 2022 | Verification Academy
  2. Using this on-the-fly approach seems, on the surface, to be efficient and fast because one could argue that SVA does a concise job at specifying the requirements. However, that approach may miss many aspects of the requirements. For example, considering this eop/sop design:
  • 4. MESSAGE LENGTH: The eop[->1] seems to ipically knowmply that the message length is not something to be considered. But, shouldn’t it be? Message length is typically known by a sender or a configuration or can be extracted from the serial message itself with support logic.
    That message length is something taht needs to be verified.
    5. EOP WITHOUT SOP: These tags are generally detected or issued by the design. The message contains many flags of interest to be verified, including eop, sop, parity, format, legal targets, etc…

    The above reasons are why it is important to write a verification plan that is reviewed by the verification team. The writing of the assertions is the easy part.

In reply to

I wanted to write a simple set of basic checks. This checker is intended to contain the loss of sop, eop, val, violation of the minimum and maximum length of the packet, and, if necessary, the loss of ipg. You are probably right, this approach is conceptually wrong and will not be able to cover all requirements. But unfortunately I don’t have a verification team, and I’m a FPGA developer, so I often have to use simple solutions for mediocre verification)

Specifically in this case, I have a very large design containing many IPs, including PHYs and other network modules. For testing, I wrote a package generator that sends packages to the project and compares them at the output. Globally, this allows you to understand that an error has occurred in the project, but in which specific place - not. To determine in which particular place, you really need to draw up a verification plan and do some serious work. But I don’t have skills and time for that) Therefore, I add such primitive checks to some nodes.

In reply to DefaultName:
You are correct in doing top-level system tests. The assertions do pickup internal errors.
Whoever is paying for this design needs to put more effort into the verification process. One way or another, the cost will be paid whether it be in time, or in-field repair, or lawsuits if the FGPA is in a critical application (like a traffic controller).
Of course, it could even cost you your job … let’s hope not!

If you can assume that the IPs are correct, you could tap off signals from your IPs for use in the assertions.
Best wishes,