The object at dereference depth 1 is being used before it was constructed/allocated. Please make sure that the object is allocated before using it

In reply to alexd555:

In the connect_phase the connection between the driver and the sequencer is missing:


What about
Phase ‘uvm.uvm_sched.post_shutdown’ (id=324) No objections raised, skipping phase

In reply to alexd555:

Is this your error message you get or what is it?

Another problem,
dump is not created

module calc_tb_top;
import uvm_pkg::*;

//clock and reset signal declaration
logic clk;
logic reset;

//creatinng instance of interface, inorder to connect DUT and testcase
calc_if dut_ifc1(clk, reset);

//enabling the wave dump

  initial begin
  forever begin
  clk = ~clk;

//DUT instance, interface signals are connected to the DUT ports
calculator DUT (

 initial begin
     uvm_config_db#(virtual calc_if)::set(null,"*","dut_vif", dut_ifc1);


initial begin


In reply to alexd555:

Did you close the simulator? It might flash the buffer only after closing the simulation.
BTW, why do you use the $dumpvars/$dumpfile? In the simulator you are able to display all signals/variables in the wave window.

I closed.

The clock is not generated.

I use with synopsis vcs

In reply to alexd555:

Then you know where it comes from …
In such a case check always the progress in time. If it stucks at runtime 0 you’ll not see any waveform.

it doesn’t stuck.

Do you have any idea ?

$finish at simulation time 0
V C S S i m u l a t i o n R e p o r t
Time: 0 ns
CPU Time: 0.830 seconds; Data structure size: 0.5Mb
Thu Jun 13 13:21:50 2019
CPU time: 10.461 seconds to compile + .536 seconds to elab + .752 seconds to link + .888 seconds in simulation

Do you have idea how I can solve it ?

In reply to alexd555:

Looks like your clock is not working or you did not implement an objection mechanism.

How can I check ?

In reply to alexd555:

Look into your toplevel module if there is a clock generator. Afterwards look to your driver. It might hang at time 0.
If possible post the beginning of your run_phase of the driver around get_next_item.
Objections have to be implemented. They can be in different places. Look to your test, driver and sequences. These are the most common constructs objections can be implemented.

I posted my toplevel model. You can there is a clock(clk).
include "" class calc_driver extends uvm_driver #(calc_trans); uvm_component_utils(calc_driver)

virtual calc_if dut_ifc1;

function new(string name, uvm_component parent);,parent);
endfunction: new

function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
if(!uvm_config_db#(virtual calc_if)::get(this,“”,“dut_vif”, dut_ifc1))
`uvm_fatal(“NOVIF”,{“virtual interface must be set for: “,get_full_name(),”.dut_ifc”});
endfunction: build_phase

task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);


calc_trans tx;

   dut_ifc1.a <= tx.a;
   dut_ifc1.b <= tx.b;
   dut_ifc1.opcode <= tx.opcode;

endtask: run_phase
endclass: calc_driver
class calc_sequence extends uvm_sequence#(calc_trans);

function new(string name = “calc_sequence”);;
endfunction: new

task body();
	calc_trans req;
repeat(300) begin
	req = calc_trans::type_id::create("req");

$display("a = ", req.a);
$display("b = ", req.b);
$display("opcode = ", req.opcode);
endtask: body

endclass: calc_sequence
class calc_test extends uvm_test;


calc_env env;
calc_sequence calc_seq;

function new(string name = “calc_test”,uvm_component parent=null);,parent);
endfunction : new

virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
env = calc_env::type_id::create(“env”, this);
calc_seq = calc_sequence::type_id::create(“calc_seq”, this);
endfunction : build_phase

task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
endtask : run_phase

endclass : calc_test

In reply to alexd555:

The run_phase of your driver is not a clocked process, i.e. it does not progress in time and stays always at time 0.
After get_next_item there should be a statement like this:

@(posedge dut_ifc1.clk);

What about of monitor ? should there be posedge clk ?
Where else ?

In reply to chr_sue:

In reply to alexd555:
The run_phase of your driver is not a clocked process, i.e. it does not progress in time and stays always at time 0.
After get_next_item there should be a statement like this:

@(posedge dut_ifc1.clk);

Why not clk under block ? begin…end

In reply to alexd555:

What about of monitor ? should there be posedge clk ?
Where else ?

All components connected to the virtual interface has to be synchronized with the clk signal.

In reply to alexd555:

In reply to chr_sue:
Why not clk under block ? begin…end

What about this question ?


In reply to alexd555:

What do you mean with ‘Why not clk under block ? begin…end’?

@(posedge dut_ifc1.clk)
dut_ifc1.a <= tx.a;
dut_ifc1.b <= tx.b;
dut_ifc1.opcode <= tx.opcode;