// length value will change dynamically, len is signal
// READ_DATA = 32;
// tag is some value.
for(genvar i = 0; i <= (length/(READ_DATA/8)); i++) begin
property_a: assert property (P_TAG_CHECK(tag))
else $error("ERROR");
I am using this genvar approach, it is throwing error(Because of dynamic variable) any work around for that (or) any other approach for this scenario.
My intension is to generate assert properties based on the condition of length/(DATA_WIDTH/8).
property P_TAG_CHECK(tag);
@(posedge rd_rsp_clk) disable iff (rst_n !== 1)
rdata_valid ##0 ((rdata_tag == tag) && (rdata_error == 0 || rdata_error == 1));
endproperty: P_TAG_CHECK
// length(signal) is the signal changes with every command valid
// parameter READ_DATA = 32;
// tag is some value
always @(posedge cmd_valid) begin
if(cmd_type == 0 && cmd_last == 1) begin
for(genvar i = 0; i <= (length/(READ_DATA/8)); i++) begin
property_a: assert property (P_TAG_CHECK(tag))
else $error("ERROR");
I am using this genvar approach, it is throwing error(Because of dynamic variable) any work around for that (or) any other approach for this scenario.
My intension is to generate assert properties based on the condition of length/(DATA_WIDTH/8).
My intension is to generate assert properties based on the condition of length/(DATA_WIDTH/8).
So you want to dynamically start (or fire) a number of assertions based on a value of a variable. I generally have used the genvar in the generate construct. The following should work:
always @(posedge cmd_valid) begin
if(cmd_type == 0 && cmd_last == 1) begin
for(int i = 0; i <= (length/(READ_DATA/8)); i++) begin
property_a: assert property (P_TAG_CHECK(tag))
else $error("ERROR");
But I don’t understand why you need to create multiple identical assertions. Specifically,
assuming that at time t (length/(READ_DATA/8))== 3, this for loop create 3 identical assertions that are initated at @(posedge rd_rsp_clk) and last 1 cycle. The value of “tag” is identical for all 3, and “tag” does not depend on the iteration loop “i”. If you had something like P_TAG_CHECK(tag * i), then I can perhaps see some value to the multiple separate assertions. What you wrote could be simplified without the for loop.
My package deals with dynamic delays and repeats; you have none of that here.
Here length and tag value changes with the cmd_valid, for every cmd_valid those both tag and length values will change.
I have used previously by keeping only for loop, I am getting Below error
always @(posedge cmd_valid) begin
if(cmd_type == 0 && cmd_last == 1) begin
for(int i = 0; i <= (length/(READ_DATA/8)); i++) begin
property_a: assert property (P_TAG_CHECK(tag))
else $error("ERROR");
Error-[V2KGEUV] Unknown or bad value for genvar
/src/assertions/mim_bfm_assertions.sv, 659
Instance/Generate block name: test_tb.tes_if.u_test_assert
Elaboration time unknown or bad value encountered for generate for-statement
condition expression.
Please make sure it is elaboration time constant.
In reply to Pavan Kumar Kollipara:
I still don’t understand why you need a loop. Typically, in assertions, you may want to use the generate statement to instantiate multiple assertions based on the the genvar variable. For example:
module arbiter;
//If I have to test a arbiter encoded arbiter with say, 4-inputs (request signals) and 4-outputs (grant signals),
//What assertions are required for verifying this arbiter?
bit[15:0] req, grnt;
bit clk;
initial forever #5 clk=!clk;
generate for (genvar i=0; i<=15; i++)
property p_arbiter;
bit[16:0] v;
(req*==1'b1, v=0, v[i+1]=1'b1) ##0 req < v |->
grnt[i]==1'b1 ##0 $onehot(grnt);
endproperty : p_arbiter
ap_arbiter: assert property(@(posedge clk) p_arbiter);
In your model, I believe that you need to put the conditions to do the verification in the antecendent. Before getting into it, I am puzzled by the expression
(rdata_error == 0 || rdata_error == 1))
Unless rdata_error is a vector and can have other values, the expr && (bit_a==0 || bit_a==1) is equivalent to expr.
Why are you using 2 clock systems: (posedge cmd_valid) and (posedge rd_rsp_clk).
Remember that the variables are sampled in the Preponed Region. @(posedge cmd_valid) cmd_type is sampled just before the event (posedge cmd_valid).
You can use the generate endgenerate, this is expanded at elaboration and not during simulation.
rethink your model. I don’t believe that you fully understand the requirements because you are having a very hard time expressing them in a verification language.