Bit slicing in systemVerilog


I’m looking for a technique to do bit slicing in systemVerilog.

for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
data[(i8)+7 : (i8)] = temp[(i8)+7 : (i8)];

if i use the above syntax irun tool is giving compilation error.
“Illegal operand for constant expression [4(IEEE)]”

Please help me out.


Use this Verlog-2001 trick:

for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
  data[(i*8)+7 -: 8] = temp[(i*8)+7 -: 8];

Ajeetha, CVC

In reply to Ajeetha Kumari CVC:

The problem is in my vector both the Min and Max are variable length.
data[(i8)+7 : (i8)] as i varies the ranges varies from 7:0, 15:8 etc. does the above statement behaves the similar way.



Try this:

data[i*7 +:8] = temp[i*7 +:8];

The above is Verilog 2005 syntax; 8 is the width of the slice and will be added to i*7 every iteration through the loop.


Perhaps you should explain why you need bit-slicing, and how data and temp are declared. If they are

bit [100:0] data,temp;

then the following should work

data [79:0] = temp[79:0];

Maybe you did not post your example correctly.

In reply to MdNoorulla:

Suggest you read V2K LRM on this. As you mentioned:

data[(i8)+7 : (i8)] as i varies the ranges varies from 7:0, 15:8

In this case, your slice-width is indeed a CONSTANT and not variable. Only the position is run-time variable. So the following should work:

data[(i*8)+7 -: 8]

Try and let us know if it doesn’t. Post a full code if you still see issue.

Ajeetha, CVC

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,

I just copied a part of my code and simiplified. My requirement is i have a 256 bit width data bus. I need to read and write to the sparse memory (assosiative array of bytes) based on some conditions like,
number of bytes to read from memory, mask bits etc. i took the data bus as bit [255:0] DATA.

Noorulla takes an input stream or file as binary data and slices into chunks of desired number of bits online.

Hi Ajeetha,

Tried the below code for variable length part select.

reg [143:0] file_data_re0;
  reg [143:0] file_data_im0;
  bit [11:0] data_re0;
  bit [11:0] data_im0;
for(i=0; i<=11;i++) begin
       file_data_re0[((i+1)*12)-1 +: i*12] = data_re0;
       file_data_im0[((i+1)*12)-1 +: i*12] = data_im0;

getting the following error
Error-[NCE] Non-constant expression
The following expression should be a constant.
Expression: (this.i * 12)
Source info: file_data_re0[((i+1)12)-1 +: i12] = data_re0;
‘this’ is not an elaboration-time constant. To correct the error you may
convert this const variable to a parameter or a localparam.

In reply to srinivas.emb27:
You can write this as

for(i=0; i<=11;i++) begin
       file_data_re0[i*12 +: 12] = data_re0;
       file_data_im0[i*12 +: 12] = data_im0;

or simply

file_data_re0 = {12{data_re0}};
file_data_im0 = {12{data_im0}};

In reply to dave_59:

Perhaps you should explain why you need bit-slicing, and how data and temp are declared. If they are

bit [100:0] data,temp;

then the following should work

data [79:0] = temp[79:0];

Maybe you did not post your example correctly.

// hello dave in this above example if only 8 bit slicing needs for ex : [7:0] [15:8] [23:16] [31:24] [39:32] [47:40] [55:48] [63:56] and so on

In reply to mansi m joshi:

That could be accomplished with the streaming operator

data[79:0] = {<<8(temp[79:0]}};

See section Re-ordering of the generic stream in the 1800-2017 LRM

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,

I have requirement like below. Can you please suggest, How can i do it?

DATA[(8 × Upper_Byte_Lane) + 7 : (8 × Lower_Byte_Lane)].

This i need for AXI.

Thanks and regards,