Assertion on clock gating

I am trying to write assertion to check clock gating feature.

Whenever my clk_gate_cfg is 0 my clk will stop after 2:3 cycle for the particular block and will remain stop/zero till clk_gate_cfg will not assert.

Like in my env i have reg “clk_gate_cfg” .It has 8 bit register.

I have wrote below assertion for the above requirement. Please let me know where i am doing wrong.
This assertion is passing in every cases.

property clk_gating
@(posedge top_th.ref_clk)
(([1] == 0) ##[2:3]  (![1].clk_i)) |->[1].clk_i ==0 throughout ([1]==1)[->1]

In reply to kuldeep sharma:
I see your requirements as:

//Whenever my clk_gate_cfg is 0 my clk will stop after 2:3 cycle 
// for the particular block and will remain stop/zero till clk_gate_cfg will not assert.

// Like in my env i have reg "clk_gate_cfg" .It has 8 bit register.
property clk_gating
@(posedge top_th.ref_clk)
  $fell([1]) |->   
  ##[2:3][1].clk_i ==0 [*1:$] intersect 

Ben Cohen
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Hi Ben,

Thanks for the reply. I have few queries.

How many times Assertion print will come ?
Or Will it come when "clk_gate_cfg[1]==1) ?
Above assertion is not failing when i am doing clock disable for fist bit and checking clock for another block .In my desgin 1 bit is gating clock for 1 instance of core. Like

property clk_gating
@(posedge top_th.ref_clk)
fell([1]) |-> ##[2:3][2].clk_i ==0 [*1:] intersect

In reply to kuldeep sharma:
I went overboard on the use of the intersect

 // !a[*1:$] intersect a[->1] should fail
 // !a[*1:$] ##1 a intersect a[->1] // ok
  // but then you don't need the intersect 
$fell([1]) |->   
  ##[2:3][1].clk_i ==0 [*1:$] ##1

Clarify your comments

In reply to

Am not reading the requirements correctly, but you get the ideas of options.
Hopefully it’s a guide
BTW, in the consequent you should consider it first_match.

first_match(##[1 ;2] b)##1 c

You could also implement a cntr on the clk you are trying to check and then check something like this in your assertion : cntr==$past(cntr)

Hi @ben2
What this represent in your code"[->1]"

property clk_gating
@(posedge top_th.ref_clk)
  $fell([1]) |->   
  ##[2:3][1].clk_i ==0 [*1:$] intersect 

a[->1] is equivalent to !a[*0:$] ##1 a

a[->1] is equivalent to !a[*0:$] ##1 a