Assertion to check clock toggling


I want to write assertion for following scenario :
i have signal “a”,“clk”,“clk150”

->whenever signal a is high, my “clk” should toggle.(frequency of this “clk” is unknown)
->clk150 has frequency of 150MHz
->$changed won’t work because frequency of my “clk” signal is unknown so can’t check with respect to clk150

Thanks in advance

In reply to TRUSHAL:
If you rephrase your requirements, the assertion is trivial.
I read the requirements as : If a==1 there can be toggling

module m;
  bit a, clk;
  int err; 
  initial forever #5 clk = !clk;
  ap_1: assert property (@(clk) strong (a)) else err=err+1;

  initial begin
    $dumpfile("dump.vcd"); $dumpvars;
    repeat (6) @(posedge clk) randomize(a);
 of clk. 
  ap_clk:  assert property(@(clk) a)
                 count=count+1; // count is for debug 

Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

  1. SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
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In reply to TRUSHAL:

// create an event to detect when signal 'a' goes high
event a_high;
always @(a) begin
    if (a) a_high = 1;

// create an event to detect when 'clk' changes
event clk_changed;
always @(posedge clk) clk_changed = 1;

// create an assertion to check that 'clk' toggles when 'a' is high
always @(a_high or clk_changed) begin
    if (a_high)
        assert(clk_changed) else $error("clk did not toggle when a was high");

// Create an assertion to check that clk150 has a frequency of 150 MHz
property freq150;
    (clk150) |-> freq150;
    freq150 = #1 (clk150);

always @(posedge clk150) begin
    assert(freq150==150MHz) else $error("clk150 does not have a frequency of 150MHz");

In reply to

Hi Ben ,
Honestly speaking I didn’t get the question.When I went through this question , I thought the following one could be one of the possible ways.

property check;
@(posedge clk150) strong(a) |-> (clk != $past(clk,1));

Then I noticed that the operation cannot be done with respect to clk150, couldn’t understand why?
Now there are only two signals we can take into our consideration : signal-a and signal-clk. I am trying to make the signal-a reference signal.

property check;
@(posedge a) (clk!=$past(clk,1));

Hope this one makes something meaningful.

In reply to Shubhabrata:

In reply to
Hi Ben ,
Honestly speaking I didn’t get the question.When I went through this question , I thought the following one could be one of the possible ways.

property check;
@(posedge clk150) strong(a) |-> (clk != $past(clk,1));

Then I noticed that the operation cannot be done with respect to clk150, couldn’t understand why?

  1. the strong should be used in the consequent, not antecedent, because (from 1800’2017) "If the strong or weak operator is omitted, then the evaluation of the sequence_expr (interpreted as a property) depends on the assertion statement in which it is used. If the assertion
    statement is assert property or assume property, then the sequence_expr is evaluated as
    weak(sequence_expr). Otherwise, the sequence_expr is evaluated as strong(sequence_expr)."

    You cannot have a property as antecedent. Syntax of a property:
property_expr ::=
| strong ( sequence_expr )
| weak ( sequence_expr )

@(posedge clk150) (a) |-> (clk != $past(clk,1));
says that when a is sampled with posedge of clk150 and a==1 then the previous sample of “a” at the posedge of clk150 was 0.

Now there are only two signals we can take into our consideration : signal-a and signal-clk. I am trying to make the signal-a reference signal.

property check;
@(posedge a) (clk!=$past(clk,1));

Hope this one makes something meaningful.

@(posedge a) (clk!=$past(clk,1)); says
at every posedge of “a”, the sampled value of clk is unequal to it previous sample.
Thus, if always at a==0 or at a==1 (i.e, it does not change) then assertion is never triggered.
It does not check that when a==1 the clk toggles.
My original assertion of
ap_1: assert property (@(clk) strong (a)) else err=err+1;
states that at every clk change the value of a is equal to 1.

Again, you need to clarify your requirements.