In reply to chr_sue:

That i have done already. Any other test cases??

In reply to chr_sue:

i want to check reset condition for my rtl. i.e while giving randomized inputs, i should apply reset in between, and all the fields should become zero when reset is 1. how to do that?

In reply to Muthamizh:

Then you need an aidzional data member in your seq_item definition, indication in which disatnce the resets should appear.

In reply to chr_sue:

In my design, am resetting in top module. how to do that through seq item? I tried that, but it dint give me exact results. So how to do it properly?

In reply to Muthamizh:

All ports are available in your toplevel module. And these port signals are driven by the uvm_drivers. You can also drive the reset in your env. But you should not do this from an initial block in your toplevel module. This might not be coordinated with the function of thhe whole environment.

In reply to chr_sue:

Thats what am also confused about. Is there any possibility to do that by making changes in seq item? i did that but i dint get the exact output.

In reply to Muthamizh:

If you do not show how your implementation looks like I cannot give you an advice.

In reply to chr_sue:

This is how i tried doing it.

In reply to Muthamizh:

Any possible help for me??

In reply to Muthamizh:

instead of controlling reset from tb top, i want to do it through seq item. But somewhere i am missing out the connection. Could someone check that link and help me out??

In reply to Muthamizh:

This is one of the issues. The second one is rst is not rand in the seq_item definition.
And then you have to refine your driver with respect to the reset. the Reset function is mot usefula as it is now.

In reply to chr_sue:

I tried giving reset through seq item. but im missing out the logic in refining driver according to that. Can you tell how am i supposed to change the driver logic?

In reply to Muthamizh:

Please look here and compare with your code.

In reply to chr_sue:

i did that. The output is correct. but in my waveform, the in, out and states are not starting from 0. They start from 4ns.am not able to attach a screenshot of the waveform here.

In reply to Muthamizh:

They are starting from 0, but with undefined value (x). The data are synchronous with your clock.

In reply to chr_sue:

Is that correct? Cant i make it to start it from 0? nd why is it starting from x?

In reply to Muthamizh:

Yes, it is. You can’t see the seq_items in the waveforms. There you see only the signals/variables. Because you are using logic as data type you see the x. logic is initialized to x.

In reply to chr_sue:

Thanks for your help and suggestions. Im thinking about using $root to control reset from tb top itself. In that case, how the driver logic should be changed?

In reply to Muthamizh:

If you are replazing the logic data type by bit you’ll see the 0 instead of x. Another wa is to initialize your values to z. But what you have is completely fine.

In reply to chr_sue:

i have changed it to bit. Still it starts from x. Then it is not the correct one, right??