As entitled, something wrong with the cycle delay statement.
Could someone help correct the test program.
Many thanks!
Testbench code :
interface router_io(input bit clock);
logic reset_n;
logic [15:0] din;
logic [15:0] frame_n;
logic [15:0] valid_n;
logic [15:0] dout;
logic [15:0] valido_n;
logic [15:0] busy_n;
logic [15:0] frameo_n;
clocking cb @(posedge clock);
default input #1ns output #1ns;
output reset_n;
output din;
output frame_n;
output valid_n;
input dout;
input valido_n;
input busy_n;
input frameo_n;
endclocking: cb
modport TB (clocking cb, output reset_n);
endinterface: router_io
//test program
module automatic test (router_io.TB rtr_io);
initial begin
task reset();
rtr_io.reset_n = 1’b0;
rtr_io.cb.frame_n <= '1;
rtr_io.cb.valid_n <= '1;
##2 rtr_io.cb.reset_n <= 1’b1;// compiling tool tells there is error right here about the ##2 cycle delay statement. NEED GET IT CORRECT
repeat(15) @(rtr_io.cb);
endtask: reset
endmodule: test
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module router_test_top;
parameter simulation_cycle = 100;
bit SystemClock;
router_io top_io (SystemClock);
test t (top_io);
router dut(
.reset_n (top_io.reset_n),
.clock (top_io.clock),
.din (top_io.din),
.frame_n (top_io.frame_n),
.valid_n (top_io.valid_n),
.dout (top_io.dout),
.valido_n (top_io.valido_n),
.busy_n (top_io.busy_n),
.frameo_n (top_io.frameo_n)
initial begin
SystemClock = 0;
forever begin
SystemClock = ~SystemClock;
DUT code:
// control pins:
// input: reset_n - active low reset
// input: clock - master clock input
// input port pins:
// input: frame_n - must be active during whole input packet
// input: valid_n - valid data input
// input: di - the data input
// output: busy_n - tells input that connection is busy
// output port pins:
// output: do - the data output
// output: valido_n - tells output device that “do” contain valid data
// output: frameo_n - active during the whole output packet
// frame format:
// Frame start must look like this:
// frame_n: | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | …
// di: | X | A0 | A1 | A2 | A3 | 1 | X | X | X | D0 | …
// valid_n: | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0/1 | …
// note1: frame_n must deasserted at least one cycle between packets.
// note2: address data does not have to wait for busy_n = 1.
// note3: di must wait for busy_n = 1.
// note4: a di is taken by the chip if: busy_n == 1 && valid_n == 0
// note5: frame_n must be deasserted with the last data bit in the frame.
// note6: once connection is successfully made, busy_n is guaranteed to
// stay inactive until to the end of the current frame.
module router(
reset_n, clock, frame_n, valid_n, din, dout, busy_n, valido_n, frameo_n);
input reset_n, clock;
input [15:0] din, frame_n, valid_n;
output [15:0] dout, valido_n, busy_n, frameo_n;
wire reset;
wire [15:0] arb0, arb1, arb2, arb3, arb4, arb5, arb6, arb7;
wire [15:0] di;
wire [15:0] arb8, arb9, arb10, arb11, arb12, arb13, arb14, arb15;
wire [15:0] arb_head, okstep;
tri0 [15:0] doint;
tri1 [15:0] valdoint_n, frameoint_n;
reg [15:0] dout, valido_n, frameo_n;
reg [3:0] arb_head_num;
assign di = din;
assign reset = ~reset_n;
assign arb_head = 1 << arb_head_num;
rtslice rts0(reset,clock,frame_n[0],valid_n[0],di[0],
rtslice rts1(reset,clock,frame_n[1],valid_n[1],di[1],