I was trying to create assertion coding to catch the invalid condition as shown in picture.
it seems like no straight forward assertion could do this check.
differentiate clock need at least an ack pulse throughout the error section.
other parts of the waveform are acceptable.
In reply to ChChee:
Your requirements are ambiguous, but reading through the lines, you seem to be saying that upon a request you did not receive an ack though there were clocks.
differentiate clock need at least an ack pulse throughout the error section.
What does that mean?
What was your assertion? I see it as:
ap_req_ack: assert property(@ (posedge clk) $rose(req) |->
##[1:8] ack ); // guessing at that 8
In reply to ChChee:
You can write an assertion using the sampling_clock as your main clocking event and use req, ack, and clk as the module variables. The relationship between the clocking event and clk is not clear. Below are 2 solutions. The fork-join_any solution allows you to tune the assertion to your requirements.
module top;
timeunit 1ns; timeprecision 100ps;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*;
bit sampling_clock, clk, req, ack;
event e0, e1, e2, e3, e4;
//assert_b2b_check_missing_ack: assert property (@(posedge sampling_clock) b2b_check_missing_ack);
//property b2b_check_missing_ack; // *** the clocking event is @(posedge clk) and not the sampling_clock
//code here are conceptual only, it's not a working codes
// @(posedge clk) $past(clk) == 0 |-> (##[0:$] changed(clk)) && req && !ack |-> !( (##[0:$] $stable(clk)) && req && !ack )
/* I wanted to screen the condition below (missing ack=1) in a sequence of:
1. clk off && req=1 && ack=0
2. clk active && req=1 && ack=0
3. clk off && req=1 && ack=0 */
/* - after req asserted, followed by at least 3 clk prior to ack assertion
- after req de-asserted, ack should also de-assert and followed by at least 3 clk pulses before clk off
- residue clk from previous req running in current req is allowed */
let tmax=10; // number of clk cycles after ($rose(req) && !ack)
// Possible assertion
ap: assert property(@ (posedge sampling_clock)
$rose(req) && !ack |-> ##[1:tmax] ack);
// Solution that can be more finely tuned.
task automatic checkack();
bit tmax_end, ack_end;
fork1: begin
-> e0; // for debug
repeat(tmax) @(posedge clk);
tmax_end = 1'b1;
-> e1;
disable fork2;
fork2: begin
-> e2;
disable fork1;
// $display("%t @join %t, err=%b", $realtime, $realtime, err);
if(tmax_end && !ack_end) begin
a_ackerr: assert (0);
-> e3;
always @(posedge sampling_clock) if($rose(req) && !ack) checkack();
Ben Cohen
http://www.systemverilog.us/ ben@systemverilog.us
For training, consulting, services: contact http://cvcblr.com/home.html
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448
1) SVA Package: Dynamic and range delays and repeats https://rb.gy/a89jlh
2) Free books: Component Design by Example https://rb.gy/9tcbhl
Real Chip Design and Verification Using Verilog and VHDL($3) https://rb.gy/cwy7nb
3) Papers:
- Understanding the SVA Engine,
- SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
- SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment
bit clock_status;
always @(sampling_clock)
@(posedge clock)
if(clock !== 1'bx && clock !==1'bz) clock_status = 1;
#(period *1.01);
clock_status = 0;
i converted the clock streams to single pulse and things got easier for detection.
but one weird thing happened, there are additional clock_status pulses. This event occurred after some time (consistent time) clock changed from x to 0.