SVA : question on using throught vs [*n]

I came across this assertion in a book where the requirement was : When burst mode (bmode) is asserted oe and dack must be found asserted after 2 clocks ; oe and dack must remain asserted for minimum of 4 clocks after both are found asserted and the bmode must remain deasserted while the oe and dack is high

Question : I want to learn how do I modify the same without using the throught operator

//Solution explained using throught 
sequence data transfer;
##2 ((dack ==1) && (oe==1))[*4]; //After 2 cycles the oe and dack are high for 4 cycles continuous

sequence checkbmode;
(!bmode) throught data_transfer; //Making sure that bmode is not high while oe and dack are high

property pbrule1;
@(posedge clk) $fell(bmode) |-> checkbmode;

property pbrule1;
@(posedge clk) $fell(bmode) |-> ##2 ((dack ==1) && (oe==1))[*4] && (!bmode)[*4];  //Does this look correct ?

So if bmode goes low the fell gets triggered say cycle 0 in cycle 1 it goes high and goes back low in cycle 2 the property still passes ?

In reply to CPU_Verif:
The solution explained in the book is incorrect because it does not meet the following requirement:
“Making sure that bmode is not high while oe and dack are high”
What it does instead is:
“Making sure that bmode is not high for 2 cycles and then when oe and dack are high”
Below are my untested changes

//Solution explained using throught 
sequence data transfer; // 6 cycles in length 
 ##2 ((dack ==1) && (oe==1))[*4]; 
//After 2 cycles the oe and dack are high for 4 cycles continuous
sequence checkbmode;
(!bmode) throughout data_transfer; 
//Making sure that bmode is not high for 2 cycles and then  when oe and dack are high
//Making sure that bmode is not high for 2 cycles and then  when oe and dack are high
@(posedge clk) $fell(bmode) |-> checkbmode;

//Making sure that bmode is not high only when oe and dack are high
// In other words, (dack==1 && oe==1 && !bmode)[*4]; 
property pbrule1a; // simplified to 
    @(posedge clk) $fell(bmode) |-> ##2 (dack==1 && oe==1 && !bmode)[*4];   

property pbrule1b;
@(posedge clk) $fell(bmode) |-> ##2 
 (dack ==1 && oe==1[*4] intersect !bmode[*4]);   

//Making sure that bmode is not high for 2 cycles and then  when oe and dack are high
property pbrule1c;
    @(posedge clk) $fell(bmode) |-> (##2 dack==1 && oe==1[*4]) intersect !bmode[*6]; // 6 cycles total 

Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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Thanks Ben for your help. I agree with intersect solution
//Making sure that bmode is not high for 2 cycles and then when oe and dack are high
property pbrule1c;
@(posedge clk) $fell(bmode) |-> (##2 dack==1 && oe==1[*4]) intersect !bmode[*6]; // 6 cycles total
Seq 1 intersect seq 2 => two sequences start at the same time and end at the same time. satisfies my condition here .

May I please know if we can write the same without using intersect , that is using [*] only

In reply to CPU_Verif:

 $fell(bmode) |-> (##2 dack==1 && oe==1[*4]) intersect !bmode[*6]; 
// same as 
 $fell(bmode) |-> !bmode[*2] ##0 (dack==1 && oe==1 && !bmode) [*4];

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Thank you Ben