How to bypass clock change from x to 0

Hi Guys,

In the beginning of simulation, Clock is changing from X to 0. which is causing “always@(negedge clk)” block triggering and assertion is wrongly triggered.

How to discard above said negedge triggering ?

I tried $isunknown(clk) as below, but no use.

input clk,ares;
reg op;
always@(negedge clk)
op = ares & !($isunknown(clk))


In reply to ramananda:

Hi Ramananda,

As per my understanding, when simulation gets started clock will be going from X to 0 but at this point, reset will remain asserted(which will indicate chip is not properly initialized or is getting initialized). correct? and after reset is de-asserted, clock will become stable. So above code can be modified as below,

input clk,ares;
reg op;
always@(negedge clk) begin
  if(!reset) begin
    //your code


In reply to Agrawal Priyank:

Hi Priyank,

This code itself is to findout the reset activity. ( There should not be any clock edge (pos/neg) when reset is asserted. )

in my case, reset apply and clock transition from X to 0 happening exactly at same time, causing my assertion to failure.

In reply to ramananda:


You can change your clock generation logic to avoid negedge at Zero time.

// Use bit for zero initialized value of Clock
// to avoid initial X to Zero transition
bit clk; //Alternatively reg clk = 0; or reg clk = 1;

    #CLOCK_PERIOD clk = ~clk;

Issue resolved by comparing with old value.

assign #1 clk_is_invalid = $isunknown(clk);

always @(posedge clk) begin
op <= (ares==1 && !clk_is_invalid);

In reply to ramananda:

Declaring clk as a bit would have been much simpler and give you better performance.

or make a continuous assignment to a bit

bit _clk;
assign _clk = clk;
always @(negedge _clk)
   op <= ares;

In reply to dave_59:
Hi dave_59,

Could you kindly explain the reason, why it can be work? I’m curious about that. Thank you so much.

In reply to Yunduo Li:

In reply to dave_59:
Hi dave_59,
Could you kindly explain the reason, why it can be work? I’m curious about that. Thank you so much.

Because bit is a 2-atate type—there could never be a transition to or from an X state.

In reply to dave_59:
