How to instantiate verilog module in uvm driver

we are not able to instantiate verilog module in uvm driver. but to drive inputs for ddr in the static test_bench we will genrate a verliog module from the core that module in static testbench we are instatiating and then driving inputs.
in uvm how can i use that module generated from core. here we r not able to instatiate right?

In reply to nana:

You cannot instantiate a module in a class. But in my eyesit does not make sense to instantiate a verilog module in a uvm_driver, because your module does not have a TLM interface. But what should be useful is to reuse a driving task from your module (if there is one) in the uvm_driver.

In reply to nana:

You can instantiate your Verilog file in a SV interface and then call the corresponding task in your UVM based driver.


Thank you for yours reply chr_sue and ting.

if we instantiate module once in interface then why we have to call again from driver.

In reply to nana:

I guess the module in the interface contains tasks or functions. This is there only a definition. These methods have to be called from another place.

In reply to nana:

The reason to make the task called by the drive is you might want to control it through a sequence in your UVM env. Maybe the new tests were all uvm based and wanted to control when the task inside of legacy module to be invoked.

In reply to nana:
You may want to see this thread.

thank you for yor rply chr_sru,ting amd dave