I’m trying to write an assertion to check the value of a signal ladder_value when FSM is in the below two states. This works but fails to repeat throughout the simulation. I want to have an assertion that keeps checking for the FSM to go to those two states and check for the value of the ladder_value to be equal to 8’h90 indefinitely. Please help
property ladder_values_check (rclk, fsm, ladder_value) ;
@(posedge rclk) s_eventually(fsm == S1 || fsm == S7) ##0 ladder_value == 8'h90;
In reply to nimitz_class:
Why are you using s_eventually instead of an implication?
In reply to warnerrs:
I need some signal before fsm to use implication, right?
In reply to nimitz_class:
I’m guessing you have not stated your requirements properly, so please explain why this would not work:
property ladder_values_check (rclk, fsm, ladder_value) ;
@(posedge rclk) (fsm == S1 || fsm == S7) |-> ladder_value == 8'h90;
In reply to dave_59:
It would not work because at the first posedge of rclk, FSM would be in S0, and at some point again when this assertion is triggered, FSM will be in a state that’s not S1 or S7. I want to check for ladder_value to be equal to 88 only in S1or S7 or both
In reply to nimitz_class:
Similarly, I have to write two more assertions to check for ladder_value to be 90 and d0 in various other fsm states
In reply to nimitz_class:
Dave’s property only activates when FSM is in S1 or S7. When the FSM is S0, the check does not happen. Maybe you need to provide more detail about your problem.
In reply to warnerrs:
I need to check for ladder_value whenever FSM goes to a particular set of states. One of those case is when fsm = S1 or S7 or both I want to check for ladder_value == 88.
Second case when fsm == S2 or S3 or S5 or all then ladder_value == 90.
And for the remaining states I want to make sure ladder_value == d0.
Hence I will require 3 assertions and they have to not fail when any of those unknown states occur. Let me know if I have to use a qualifier for that or what?
In reply to nimitz_class:
There is definitely some misunderstanding if you say “when fsm = S1 or S7 or both”. How can there be three choices? Perhaps you need to make a testbench showing the conditions that should pass and fail.