In reply to dave_59:
When you use bind, all the identifiers you reference in the instantiation are from the target’s perspective, that includes the parameter override.
module flop
#(parameter width = 1)
(input wire [width-1:0] d,
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
output wire [width-1:0] q
endmodule : flop
module top;
typedef logic [7:0] uint8_t;
typedef logic [15:0] uint16_t;
logic clk, rst_n;
uint8_t d8,q8;
uint16_t d16, q16;
flop #(8) u8(.clk, .rst_n, .d(d8), .q(q8));
flop #(16) u16(.clk, .rst_n, .d(d16), .q(q16));
bind flop
meta_flop_metastability_injector_if #(.WIDTH(width)) i0 (
.meta_ff_d (d),
.dst_clk (clk),
.dst_rst_n (rst_n),
.meta_ff_q (q)
endmodule : top
interface meta_flop_metastability_injector_if
#(parameter WIDTH = 1)(
input logic [WIDTH-1:0] meta_ff_d,
input logic dst_clk,
input logic dst_rst_n,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] meta_ff_q
initial $display("hello from %m WIDTH: %0d",WIDTH);
endinterface : meta_flop_metastability_injector_if
Hey Dave,
I have few questions:
- What is the advantage of binding the Interface with the DUT?
- If I need to add any interface signal during the simulation, is it possible to do using this bind concept?
I’ll be looking forward to your humble response.
Thank you,
Muneeb Ulla Shariff