In reply to muneebullashariff:
I have a requirement to develop the reference model for the processor. Moreover, the test-bench is developed using SV and UVM.
In which language should I code my reference model:
Using C or
Using SV
Furthermore, what is the best way to verify the reference model?
There is no common answer to your question. It depends on what you want to do with your reference model and where it will be used.
In a lot of cases you can reuse models written in C/C++ for use in system design. If you have such a model it should be already verified.
If you have an algorithmic design implementing certain algorithm you might use a Matlab model and connection Matlab to your UVM environment.
If you have a communication application the reference model might be quite simple because you have to store your data from the seperate streams in queues or tlm_fifos.
If you have no other application it depends which language is more familiar to oyu.