I have this generic package file that has a parameter for a default ID. What is the proper way to override that parameter? Is it to declare another package with the same parameter and compile it first? or is there a keyword to use?
In reply to VerifEx:
There is no way to override a parameter in a package. You can declare a class in the package and override the class parameter when you reference the class.
Other things you can do:
You can create different versions of the same package and choose which version to compile.
You can use define a text macro on the command line that can be used by the package to set the parameter value.
In reply to dave_59:
i have also ran into this problem recently. I have DUT with a fair amount of parameters/generics. I have created a shared package that links the changes in the generics to uvm test fields. Now i realise this won’t work.
Can you elaborate on that 2nd option? I haven’t had much need to play with text macros in SV so far.
In reply to Phill_Ferg:
package my_package;
parameter my_parameter = `MY_DEFINE;
Om your compiler command line
compile my_package.sv +define+MY_DEFINE=4
In reply to Phill_Ferg:
You shouldn’t need -floatparamters since the parameter is comping from a compiled package, and you need to re-compile the package to change a parameter’s value. You’re getting into the territory of tool-specific behavior, and this forum is not tool specific support.
In reply to dave_59:
Agreed! I release i was close to the edge. Thanks for your help!
In reply to dave_59:
“You can declare a class in the package and override the class parameter when you reference the class”
could you please give an example for this?
i have a class in the package and the parameter is declared inside the class.
how to override that parameter?
In reply to Liiiiiz:
package my_package;
class my_class #(int my_parameter);
function int get_parameter;
return my_parameter;
module top;
import my_package::*;
my_class#(1) c1=new;
my_class#(2) c2=new;
initial begin
In reply to Liiiiiz:
As was stated earlier, SystemVerilog does not provide a mechanism to override parameters declared in the top-level of a package. You need to describe what you are trying to accomplish. See https://xyproblem.info/
In reply to dave_59:
Hi Dave, please find the problem (hopefully better explained)
I have a class cg_wrap which has parameters A1-A4 as defined below which are used in the covergroup cg_wrap_1. The task sample() for the covergroup cg_wrap_1 is called in the coverage_collector class.
My intention is to override the parameters A1 and A2 such that when the task sample() is called, the coverpoints should check the signal with parameter value A1=11, A2=12 and not A1=10 and A1=20.
package my_pkg;
import uvm_pkg::*;
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
class cg_wrap #(
parameter A1 = 10,
parameter A2 = 20,
parameter A3 = 30,
parameter A4 = 40
) extends uvm_sequence_item;
function new(string name="cg_wrap");
covergroup cg_wrap_1 with function sample();
cp_xyz : coverpoint xyz {
bins min = {0};
bins min_p1 = {1};
bins max_m1 = { A1 - 1};
bins max = { A1 };
cp_abc : coverpoint abc {
bins min = {0};
bins min_p1 = {1};
bins max_m1 = { A2 - 1};
bins max = { A2 };
function new(string name="cg_wrap_1");
cg_wrap_1 = new();
cg_wrap_1.set_inst_name($sformatf("%s", name));
function void sample();
class coverage_collector extends uvm_subscriber#(uvm_sequence_item);
uvm_analysis_port #(uvm_sequence_item) to_receiver;
cg_wrap pkt_cov;
function new(string name, uvm_component parent);
to_receiver = new ("to_receiver", this);
pkt_cov = cg_wrap::type_id::create("cg_wrap");
endfunction : new
task run_phase (uvm_phase phase);
`uvm_info("UVC","run_phase: Executing. coverage_collector run_phase<<<",UVM_LOW)
endtask : run_phase
task sample_and_transmit();
function void write(uvm_sequence_item t);
endclass : coverage_collector
endpackage : my_pkg
Thanks for this reply in this thread.
To be clear, `MY_DEFINE macro can be used throughout the testbench code, including other packages, tests, sequences, and the testbench module?
Are there limitations to using this method?