Mirrored value doesn't match the desired value while running default sequence uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq in ral test

In reply to chr_sue:

I tried doing only a simple read from only this register after DUT reset in my test like the following


I print the read_data and it shows 'h35 without any error and waveforms also show it on the bus correctly.

After dut reset, I also tried using mirror function for only this register’s particular field with value 'h35 as reset value :

p_sequencer.regmodel.get_reg_by_name($sformatf("XXXXXX_REG")).get_field_by_name("XXXX_field").mirror( .status( status ), .check( UVM_CHECK ) );
     $display("mirrored data status is %s",status); 

I get status as UVM_IS_OK. Not sure why is it throwing an error while running the default seq uvm_reg_hw_reset_seq, what else can i check ?