I’m having some trouble with a macro that is being passed on the command line to modelsim. The macro points to a relative path and populates an array for a compnent. The macro looks like:
and it is being used like so:
altera_syncram_component.init_file = {`SKLIB_ALTERA_MIF_DIR,"wiz_lgmt_ram_init.mif"},
Now if I take that define and place it inside the file where it is being used there is no issue. However when I pass it in on the command line I get the following:
** Error: (vlog-13069) ** while parsing macro expansion: 'SKLIB_ALTERA_MIF_DIR' starting at ../../../products/jCIC/systemsim/../jcic/verilog/../../COM_LIB/sklib_altera_10AX/wiz_lgmt_ram/ram_1port_170/sim/wiz_lgmt_ram_ram_1port_170_jbudntq.v(75)
** at ../../../products/jCIC/systemsim/../jcic/verilog/../../COM_LIB/sklib_altera_10AX/wiz_lgmt_ram/ram_1port_170/sim/wiz_lgmt_ram_ram_1port_170_jbudntq.v(75): near ".": syntax error, unexpected '.'.
My theory is that for some reason when it is passed in on the command line the quotation marks are removed but I can’t figure out how to get them to persist when the macro is expanded.