Error is "Clocks do not agree in ‘cycle delay’ sequence operator.
I tried to put ##0 after ##5, but the error is the same. Then I tried to put ##1 after ##5 and the compile error is gone. What does it mean?
In the LRM it says that I can use either ##0 and ##1 for multi-clock sequence.
module top;
bit clk1, clk2, a, b, c, d;
initial forever #10 clk1=!clk1;
initial forever #13 clk2=!clk2;
sequence s1;
a ##1 b;
sequence s2;
c ##1 d;
ap_illegal1_qq: assert property(@(posedge clk1) a ##1 b ##2 @(posedge clk2) s2);
// 1800'2012 16.13.1 Multiclocked sequences
// Differently clocked or multiclocked sequence operands cannot be combined
// with any sequence operators other than ##1 and ##0.
// For example, if clk1 and clk2 are not identical, then the following are illegal:
ap_illegal1: assert property(@(posedge clk1) s1 ##2 @(posedge clk2) s2);
ap_illegal2: assert property(@(posedge clk1) s1 intersect @(posedge clk2) s2); // line 19
// Directive 'ap_illegal2' has multiple leading clocks for its maximal property.
// A compiler at eda playground
ERROR ACOMP3007 "Invalid delay operator. Only ##0 and ##1 are supported in multiclock context." "" 12 62
ERROR ACOMP3007 "Invalid delay operator. Only ##0 and ##1 are supported in multiclock context." "" 17 53
ERROR ACOMP3008 "Intersect is not valid multiclocked sequence operator." "" 18 53
In reply to Reuben:
I believe that the versions prior to 1800’2012 had the limitation *“Differently clocked or multiclocked sequence operands cannot be combined with any sequence operators other than 1.”
The and ##0 was added later on, definitely in 1800’2012.
What you are experiencing is a tool issue that is not updated to the latest version.
Ben Cohen
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