I am trying to use genvar and genrate block in top module of the UVM. I took three clocks and I want to connect to the common clock I tried using generate block but I am getting some syntax error I am unable to find where I made the mistake can anyone please help me to resolve this issue.
I have 3 modules I want to connect common clock to the 3 Modules
bit mpu_clock1,mpu_clock2,mpu_clock3, mpu_clock[1:3];
The generate block creates code, but it still needs to be legal. You can’t just have “signal0 = signal1;” in the middle of a module. I changed line 31 to the following continuous assignment. The testcase compiled successfully and ran.
assign mpu_clock[i] = clk;
By the way, don’t include a package, import it, and only inside a module, interface, or another package.
Thanks for the help now my code is running with out any errors but now I am not able to see the mpu_clock1,mpu_clock2,mpu_clock3 similar like clk signal, I am observing only zero value ifor the above 3 signals can you please help how I can get all the mpu_clock signals similar like my clk signal.
Your original code had 3 scalar signals, mpu_clock1,mpu_clock2,mpu_clock3. Then you added the vector mpu_clock[3], and we connected it. Why do you want to go back to the scalars?
Also, why do you have a generate statement? You hardcoded the for-loop bounds and used 5 lines to write what could have been done in 3. Plus it mixes procedural code with signals. Your original code was:
genvar i;
// genvar i;
repeat(clk) // This does not make sense
for(i=1; i<=3; i++)
// always @(posedge clk)
// begin
assign mpu_clock[i] = clk;
// $display("count for generate block is %0d",count[i]);
You can simplify this to the following, no generate, no initial: