Checking 60% duty cycle clock

I am asserting to check whether the clock is meeting 60% duty cycle using following code (The code is working for my intention)

`define PERIOD 10ns

module tb;

    realtime TON = `PERIOD * 0.6;
    realtime TOFF = `PERIOD * 0.4;
    int clock;

    initial begin
        clock = 1;
    always begin
        #6 clock = 0;
        #4 clock = 1;

    property check_ton(int ton_time);
        time current_time;
        (1, current_time = $realtime) |=> @(negedge clock) (ton_time == ($realtime-current_time));
    endproperty : check_ton

    property check_toff(int toff_time);
        time current_time;
        (1, current_time = $realtime) |=> @(posedge clock) (toff_time == ($realtime-current_time));
    endproperty : check_toff

    assert property ( @(posedge clock) check_ton(TON))
        $display($time," CHECK_TON : PASS");
    else $warning($time," CHECK_TON : FAIL");

    assert property ( @(negedge clock) check_toff(TOFF))
        $display($time," CHECK_TOFF : PASS\n");
    else $warning($time," CHECK_TOFF : FAIL\n");

    initial begin
        #50 $finish;
endmodule :tb

There are 2 assertions: check_ton and check_toff.
I want to combine them into one assertion.
How should I write the code.

In reply to bachan21:

There is no reason to combine them into a single assertion.
The general recommendation is to write smaller simple assertions rather than complex fewer ones.

BTW, use realtime instead of time.

Ben Cohen
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Thanks for the guidelines Ben

In reply to bachan21:

Hello Bachan,

Can u please explain how to generate the clock with 25MHZ frequency with 50% duty cycle without assertions.

Thanks in Advance,
Arshia J

In reply to Arshia:

You do not generate clocks with assertions. Bachan verified the clock periods with assertions.
The clock was generated with SV code using the always construct.

What gave the impression that assertions generate clocks. That is definitely no their purpose.

In reply to Arshia:

Hi Arshia,
As Ben explained, we cant use assertion for generating clock. In this problem, I used assertions to verify my clock.

If you want to generate 25 MHz clock, follow the below instructions.

Convert 25MHz into time period terms.
25 MHz → 40 ns in time period
As the duty cycle is 50%, the clock changes its value every 20 ns

Use the below code for 25 MHz clock

`timescale 1ns/1ps
module tb;
  bit clock;

    #20 clock = !clock;