
How to write an Assertion for a clock less than or equal to 1250MHz
CLK <= 1250MHZ and clock CLK will be less than or equal to another clock2 . considering as CLK2
can you please help for this assertion
CLK <= 1250 MHZ and CLK <= CLK2

In reply to

Can you write the code for that

In reply to srikanth.verification:
Attached is my code per a somewhat understanding of your requirements.
With the +10ps I was getting some passes and fails because of the accuracy issues in dealing with real numbers. Adjust the code as you see fit.

module top;
    timeunit 1ns;  timeprecision 100ps;    
    `include "uvm_macros.svh"   import uvm_pkg::*;
    bit clk1250, clk; 
    let period1250= 0.8ns;
    initial forever #0.4 clk1250 = !clk1250;
    initial forever #0.5 clk=!clk;  
    /*How to write an Assertion for a clock less than or equal to 1250MHz
CLK <= 1250MHZ and clock CLK will be less than or equal to another clock2 . considering as CLK2
can you please help for this assertion
CLK <= 1250 MHZ and CLK <= CLK2 
clk <= 1250 meaning clk period is greater or equal to 0.8ns  
clk <= clk2 meaning  clk period is greater than period of 1250MHZ*/
    property p_periods; 
      realtime v1250, vclk, vprd1250, vprd; // times ad periods for clsk1250 and clk 
       @(posedge clk1250) (1, v1250=$realtime)  ##1 (1, vprd1250=$realtime-v1250)   ##0
       @(posedge clk) (1, vclk=$realtime) ##1 (1, vprd=$realtime-vclk) ##0 
       vprd1250 >=period1250-10ps  && vprd >= period1250 + 10ps; 
    ap_periods: assert property(@ (posedge clk) p_periods);  

Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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