Hi, Dear,
Recently I am writing an assertion which would be used to check the behavior of a counter - SAMPCNT :
SAMPCNT will be inside 0 ~ 255.
Once the counter toggled, it will counter down from 255 to 0, previous SAMPCNT always be larger than current SAMPCNT.
Once the RESETSAMP asserted, the SAMPCNT will be reset to 255.
So what I write is that :
dpc_sampcnt_behavior_check : assert property ( @(SAMPCNT) (!$isunknown(SAMPCNT)) |->
( SAMPCNT >= 0 && SAMPCNT <= 255 ) &&
( $past(SAMPCNT) > SAMPCNT || ( $past(SAMPCNT) < SAMPCNT && SAMPCNT == 255 && RESETSAMP ) ) )
$display("SAMPCNT = [0x%0h]'d%0d, past(SAMPCNT) = [0x%0h]'d%0d, RESETSAMP = %0d", SAMPCNT, SAMPCNT, $past(SAMPCNT), $past(SAMPCNT), RESETSAMP);
else $error( $psprintf("ERROR RESETSAMP = %0d, SAMPCNT = [0x%0h]'d%0d, past(SAMPCNT) = [0x%0h]'d%0d", RESETSAMP, SAMPCNT, SAMPCNT, $past(SAMPCNT), $past(SAMPCNT)) );
However, I got assertion error as :
ncsim: *E,ASRTST (interface/counter_if.sv,718): (time 4815958196171 FS) Assertion tb_top.if_counter[0].dpc_sampcnt_behavior_check has failed
ERROR RESETSAMP = 0, SAMPCNT = [0xfd]'d253, past(SAMPCNT) = [0x6]'d6 → ERROR Message
SAMPCNT = [0xfc]'d252, past(SAMPCNT) = [0xff]'d255, RESETSAMP = 0 → DISPLAY Message
When I looked at waveform, I just found that the SAMPCNT behave as :
8 → 6 → 255 → 253 → 252 → 250 …
I have two questions :
Why the display message and error message is different for $past(SAMPCNT) ? The display message is what I expected …
When $past(SAMPCNT) = 6, I definitely expect SAMPCNT = 255, but how can it jump directly to 253 and skip 255 ? In which case, my assertion failed.
I am really thanking for your great help, I need support here, thanks ! thanks ! thanks !