An Immediate Assertion for Reset Value Check

I am modeling an up-down counter and plan to use a set of assertions to check the correctness of its behaviour. The up-down counter is coded like so:

module updncounter (
  input clk,
  input rstn,
  input ld,
  input en,
  input updn,
  input [7:0] ldc,
  output [7:0] q

  logic [7:0] cnt;

  always @(posedge clk or rstn) begin
    if (!rstn) begin
      cnt <= 'h0;
    else begin
      if (ld) begin
        cnt <= ldc;
      else begin
        if (en) begin
          if (updn) begin
            cnt <= cnt + 8'h1;
          else begin
            cnt <= cnt - 8'h1;

  assign q = cnt;

endmodule : updncounter

and its corresponding basic stimulus and assertions as follows:

      ld <= 0;
      en <= 1;
      updn <= 1;
      rstn <= 1;
      ldc <= 'h0;
      rstn <= 0;
      rstn <= 1;
      ld <= 1;
      ldc <= 'h4;
      ld <= 0;

  upcnt : assert property (
    disable iff (!rstn)
      @(posedge clk)
        (!ld && en && updn) |-> q == $past(q) + 8'h1

  always @(negedge rstn)
    rst_val : assert #0 (q == 'h0)
      $display("reset value check passed in %m");
      $error("reset value check failed in %m");


The immediate (deferred) assertion on the negedge of reset fails at the simulation time when rstn changes from 1 to 0 (that is, at 1ns). I assume that the cause of the failure is that the assertion samples the “q” output from the counter as “X” although the counter’s asynchronous reset block is changing it to “0” at the same timestep.

Any suggestions on what is going wrong and how to get the assertion working by coding it correctly. (I do not want to change the sampling edge of the assertion to “@(posedge rstn)”.)


In reply to verificator:
You can use the final.
Deferred assertions use #0 (for an Observed deferred assertion) or
final (for a final deferred assertion in the Postponed region) after the verification directive.

upcnt : assert property (
    disable iff (!rstn)
      @(posedge clk)
        (!ld && en && updn) //  |-> q == $past(q) + 8'h1 // ERROR 
                                |=> q == $past(q) + 8'h1
  always @(negedge rstn)
    rst_val : assert final (q == 'h0)  // <------------------
      $display("reset value check passed in %m");
      $error("reset value check failed in %m");


Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact Home - My cvcblr

  1. SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
  2. SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
  3. SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment

In reply to

Thanks Ben! I was hoping to catch your attention.

The change from #0 to “final” does not work. I would like to understand in what ways is using “final” different from using “#0”.

Also, on the concurrent assertion, my idea of using the overlapping implication operator was that the increment operation is expected to work on any posedge that:

  1. ld is sampled low, and,
  2. en is sampled high, and,
  3. updn is sampled high

Request you to elaborate on why we should use a non-overlapping implication operator.

Thanks for your prompt reply.

In reply to verificator:
OOPS! We don’t discuss specific tools (delete the specific tool name and replace it with something like “a simulation tool”.
I modified your code a bit (put everything in one module, added some data and timing info)

  assign q = cent; // line 27
 always @(negedge rstn)
    rst_val : assert final (q == 'h0)  // line 56
** Error:                    0 CNT reset value check failed in updncounter.rst_cnt q=xxxxxxxx
#    Time: 0 ns  Scope: updncounter.rst_cnt File: Line: 65
#                    1 CNT reset value check passed in updncounter.rst_cnt q=00000000
# ** Error:                    1 q reset value check failed in updncounter.rst_val q=xxxxxxxx
// So the q is not seen as updated in the assertion (though final).
// Am not sure why because the final is in the Postponed region ????

Consider Edit code - EDA Playground where I comment always @(negedge rstn)
Immediate assertions can be inside or outside procedural statements.
That fixes the problem

  // always @(negedge rstn)
    rst_val : assert final (q == 'h0)
      $display("%t q reset value check passed in %m q=%b", $realtime, q);
      $error("%t q reset value check failed in %m q=%b", $realtime, q);
    // -----------------
    rst_cnt : assert final (cnt == 'h0)
      $display("%t CNT reset value check passed in %m q=%b", $realtime, cnt);
      $error("%t CNT reset value check failed in %m q=%b", $realtime, cnt);

# ** Error:                    0 q reset value check failed in updncounter.rst_val q=xxxxxxxx
#    Time: 0 ns  Scope: updncounter.rst_val File: Line: 60
# ** Error:                    0 CNT reset value check failed in updncounter.rst_cnt q=xxxxxxxx
#    Time: 0 ns  Scope: updncounter.rst_cnt File: Line: 65
#                    1 CNT reset value check passed in updncounter.rst_cnt q=00000000
#                    1 q reset value check passed in updncounter.rst_val q=00000000

On non-overlapping implication |=> operator

upcnt : assert property (
    disable iff (!rstn)
      @(posedge clk)
        (!ld && en && updn) //  |-> q == $past(q) + 8'h1 // ERROR 
                                |=> q == $past(q) + 8'h1);

If antecedent is true thenat the next cycle q should be equal to the previous value of q + 1’b1.

With the overlapping implication, you are saying:
If antecedent is true then in the SAME cycle q should be equal to the previous value of q + 1’b1. That is not what you want.
Ben Cohen
For training, consulting, services: contact

  1. SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
  2. SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
  3. SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment

In reply to

I made a mistake in the model, forget the begin/end

  always @(negedge rstn) begin 
      rst_val : assert final (q == 'h0)
        $display("%t q reset value check passed in %m q=%b", $realtime, q);
        $error("%t q reset value check failed in %m q=%b", $realtime, q);
      // -----------------
      rst_cnt : assert final (cnt == 'h0)
        $display("%t CNT reset value check passed in %m q=%b", $realtime, cnt);
        $error("%t CNT reset value check failed in %m q=%b", $realtime, cnt);
# ** Error:                    1 CNT reset value check failed in updncounter.rst_cnt q=xxxxxxxx
#    Time: 1 ns  Scope: updncounter.rst_cnt File: Line: 65
# ** Error:                    1 q reset value check failed in updncounter.rst_val q=xxxxxxxx

Commenting out  
// always @(negedge rstn) begin 
#                    1 CNT reset value check passed in updncounter.rst_cnt q=00000000
#                    1 q reset value check passed in updncounter.rst_val q=00000000 (// always @(negedge rstn) begin )

// Updated
See next posting for explanation
This worked
always @(negedge rstn) begin
#1; assert final(…)

In reply to

On the overlapping/non-overlapping implication operator, yes, I now understand that the increment/decrement will start only on the edge that samples the ld to be low (which is the next edge after ld is high in our case).

As for the reset value check, I see that the assertion passes at time t=1ns. However, I am unable to understand:

  1. Can we add such an assertion outside of an procedural block? (After all, we want to check that the q value is 0 only when reset is asserted.)

  2. When will such an assertion be evaluated? I see that the assertions you have coded are evaluated at 0, 1 and 11ns. On what basis have these points of evaluation been chosen by the simulator?

  3. The assertion fails at 0 and 11ns. How do we get a clean assertion at all time stamps?

  4. Any particular reason why you have chosen to add an assertion on cnt (in addition to q)?

Thanks for continuously looking into this.

In reply to

Thanks so much Ben!

I am assuming that you are as uncomfortable with #1 hack as I am. :)

Thanks for looking into this.


In reply to verificator:

  1. As I said, I made a mistake in the model, forget the begin/end
    Edit code - EDA Playground
  2. You need the always @(negedge rstn) begin
  3. I was just experimenting deleting the always, but it has no effect aside checking at every changes in the variables.
  4. See my diagram Sampling point of Assertions - SystemVerilog - Verification Academy
  5. OK, here is what is happening and why the assert fails at 1 ns

// You have 
always @(posedge clk or rstn) begin
      if (!rstn) begin
        cnt <= 'h0;
always @(negedge rstn) begin 
      rst_val : assert final (q == 'h0); // ignoring the action block for now
// If inline, it works butassertion is evaluated at every change
 rst_inline : assert final (q == 'h0)
         $display("%t inline q reset value check passed in %m q=%b", $realtime, q);
        $error("%t inline q reset value check failed in %m q=%b", $realtime, q);
#                    1 inline q reset value check passed in updncounter.rst_inline q=00000000
#                    2 CNT reset value check passed in updncounter.rst_cnt q=00000000
#                    2 q reset value check passed in updncounter.rst_val q=00000000
# ** Error:                   11 inline q reset value check failed in updncounter.rst_inline q=00000001

cnt gets updated in the NBA region.
The assert fina gets evaluated in the ACTIVE region, before the update of cnt and q. Thus, the assert sees the XXXX and it does not see the update (in the NBA region).
In that case, you would need

 always @(negedge rstn) begin 
      #1; assert(...)

The final stuff is really more in the display of the action block.
From my book: Deferred assertion reporting
[1] When a deferred assertion declared with assert #0 passes or fails, the action block is not executed immediately. Instead, the action block subroutine call (or $error, if an assert or assume fails and no action_block is present) and the current values of its input arguments are placed in a deferred assertion report queue associated with the currently executing process. Such a call is said to be a pending assertion report. See Figure for a view of the queue for the deferred action block.
If a deferred assertion flush point (see below and Appendix B) is reached in a process, its deferred assertion report queue is cleared. Any pending assertion reports will not be executed. In the Observed region (for deferred assertion), or Postponed region (for final assertion) of each simulation time step, each pending assertion report that has not been flushed from its queue shall mature, or be confirmed for reporting. Once a report matures, it may no longer be flushed. Then the associated subroutine call (or $error, if the assertion fails and no action block is present (see 4.1.3) is executed in the Observed region for deferred assertion, or in the Postponed region for the final assertion, and the pending assertion report is cleared from the appropriate process’s deferred assertion report queue.

flush point: (see 4.3.4, [1] A process is defined to have reached a deferred assertion flush point if any of the following occur:
 The process, having been suspended earlier due to reaching an event control or wait statement, resumes execution.
 The process was declared by an always_comb or always_latch, and its execution is resumed due to a transition on one of its dependent signals.
 The outermost scope of the process is disabled by a disable statement.