UVM RAL implementation methodology for large designs


I was wondering if are there any resources (papers, blogs, posts) about methodologies to implement UVM RAL for “large” designs (>100K registers and 500K rams)? I tried to do some research online but most of the results never cover “large” designs.

I have experience using RAL and doing some customisations to make it work in a particular environment (callbacks, maps, defining specialised registers, sequences) but most of them were “little” (1K regs and 100 rams)

I’m interested aspects such as:

  • Reg model re-usability and portability at sub-system and system level environments
  • Performance: How heavy is the register model, since having this much registers may have a huge performance penalty over simulations
  • Dynamic reconfiguration (I know in 1.2 once your model is locked not much can be done)
  • RAM modelling in RAL (since it the uvm_mem is different from uvm_reg)
  • Register Model Partitioning at block level
  • Register Model limitations on real projects usage

Any material or hints on these topics is really appreciated
Apologies for the broad question but I consider this forum one of the best (if not the best) resource to discuss with verification experts
