I have a very simple parameterized interface, and I have been passing different types as parameters to it. Most types work fine, but I have been having trouble with wire.
Here is my code:
interface inf #(type T=logic);
T val;
module top();
inf #(.T(wire)) d_inf();
But when I run this, I get this syntax error:
Error-[SE] Syntax error
Following verilog source has syntax error :
"exp.sv", 3: token is 'wire'
inf #(.T(wire)) d_inf();
1 error
This works perfectly fine when I change the type from wire to logic or bit, so it’s clearly due to the type. But what is the problem here? I don’t see why wire wouldn’t be allowed as a parameterized type, and in fact if I create the same interface, non-parameterized, with type wire, it works fine! What’s going on here?