I created this interface with an assert that checks that a valid e1_num is a periodic counter range in [0:N-1]:
interface e1_if #(parameter N = 5)(input clock);
logic [7:0] data;
logic valid;
logic [common::log2(N)-1:0] e1_num;
// this 2 lines exists just to support the assert below
logic [common::log2(N)-1:0] prev_e1_num = 0;
always @(posedge clock) if(valid) prev_e1_num <= e1_num;
property non_consequtive_e1_num;
@(posedge clock) valid |-> if (e1_num != 0) (e1_num - prev_e1_num == 1)
else (e1_num - prev_e1_num == -(N-1));
ERROR_non_consequtive_e1_num: assert property (non_consequtive_e1_num);
I want to use sequence block to describe the expected behavior instead of using the support signal prev_e1_num. Any idea how to write it?
I want to write a sequence that describe two consequtive valid with e1_num incremented by 1.
What’s wrong in using support logic, as long as your assertion is correct?
Nothing. I just started to learn the sequence style and wanted to use it. I want to believe that when I be skilled enough it will be more productive than RTL logic for debug.
Thanks for the example - exactly what I tried to do :-)