Using BFM Verification IP in system verilog code

Hi all,
I am new to system verilog.
I was writing a test bench to test my SPI master code . I came across something called as BFM provided by SysWip(
It gives, master and slave Verification IP folders. The folders have an interface and a package file.

I have a question here, to test my master code, i will have to make use of only the slave verification IP…am i right?

also how is the connection made to the interface? How do i instantiate the interfce and in which file the connections are done.
Below is a part of my amd code.

module master
		input clk,
		output sdi,
		input sdo,
		output sclk,
		output [SLAVES-1:0] slave_select

//internal signals
//code to shift in and out data

module master_tb();
reg clk;
reg sdo;
wire sdi;
wire sclk;
wire [2:0] slave_select;

//part of my testbench code i have typed here.
master_tb dut(

My question is,

  1. where do i import the interface, in which file?
  2. do i need both the interfaces-master and slave?
  3. how do i do the connections?
  4. How do i do the data transfer?

In reply to Newbie1192:

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