Triggering SV event as part of sequence expression

I am trying the following code ::

module tb;
  bit clk , req , gnt ;
  event  evnt;
  always #5 clk = !clk;
  sequence seq;
    @(posedge clk) req ##1 gnt ##0 -> evnt ;  // Is this legal ?
  cover property( seq );
  always@(evnt) $display("Event triggered at T:%0t",$time);
  initial begin  
    #14; req = 1;
    #10; gnt = 1;
    #2 $finish();

I currently observe a compilation error for the event trigger.
I am aware that a boolean expression is legal as part of sequence_expression,
not sure on triggering an event as sequence_expression.

For now the following 2 alternatives work ::

  1. Trigger the event from pass action block
cover property( seq ) -> evnt;
  1. Trigger the event from subroutine
function void event_trigger();
 -> evnt;

sequence seq;
   @(posedge clk) req ##1 ( gnt , event_trigger ) ; 

The syntax allows

sequence_match_item ::=
    | inc_or_dec_expression
    | subroutine_call

But why create an extra event when you already have an action block, or the seq.triggered method?

But why create an extra event when you already have an action block

Yes, I agree that the event could be triggered from pass action block as well.
The intent is to trigger the event on sequence match.
The event is actually used to trigger a covergroup.

I am not clear on this.
In my code the event trigger ( → evnt ) would be recognized as a sequence_expression rather than a sequence_match_item , right ?

sequence_match_item uses syntax ::

( sequence_expr {, sequence_match_item } )

An event trigger is a procedural statement–it cannot be used in a sequence expression.