I am trying to overwrite a task in the subclass (these are sequences) and when executing it , iam seeing that the original task in base class is only getting executed and not the new overridden task
class baseclass;
task body();
virtual task run_the_sim(int a);
a = a+3;
$display("a val %d",a );
endclass: baseclass
class subclass extends baseclass;
task body();
endtask : body
task run_the_sim(int a);
a = a+10;
$display("a val %d",a );
in the test, i call the seq like this
subclass subclass_seq;
`ovm_do_with (subclass_seq,
a == 10;
I am seeing the old task getting executed? can you pls help
Thank you!
In reply to theketi:
Your subclass class looks fine to me. The most likely cause is that you somehow constructed the base instead of the subclass.
In reply to dave_59:
I see.
I also have this in my subclass (extended class)
function new (string name = “”);
endfunction : new
task body();
$display("Extended subclass body task ");
$display("Extended subclass body has been executed");
And i do see the statements inside the body task being executed. I can see the prints
However just the new task is not being executed.
In reply to theketi:
Are you sure run_the_sim is declared as virtual in the baseclass? I have no other ideas for you.
I guess that was the issue , i didnt compile after some changes and it didnt pick virtual. Thanks Dave!