SystemVerilog constraint implication with multiple variable

I was wondering if it’s possible to use the implication with constraint for multiple variable in an elegant way?

constraint example {
flag == true -> other_flag_1 == false;
flag == true -> other_flag_2 == false;
flag == true -> other_flag_3 == false;

To be in pseudocode something like:

constraint example {
flag == true -> (other_flag_1 == false; other_flag_2 == false; other_flag_3 == false;);

Couldn’t figure out the syntax and couldn’t find something in the standard so maybe it’s not possible (and maybe worth adding?).

You could write the multiple constraints using if-else constraint as well ::

constraint example {  if ( flag == true ) 
                           //  Add  multiple  constraints  here
                           other_flag_1 == false;
                           other_flag_2 == false;
                           other_flag_3 == false;

In reply to Ariel Elliassi:

The right hand side of an implication can be a constraint set:

constraint example {
flag == true -> {other_flag_1 == false;
                 other_flag_2 == false;
                 other_flag_3 == false;};

Note that when your constraints are Boolean expressions, it’s the same as the logically ANDing them into one Boolean expression

constraint example {
flag == true ->  other_flag_1 == false &&
                 other_flag_2 == false &&
                 other_flag_3 == false;

In reply to dave_59:

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation.