In reply to rgarcia07:
Several issues with your assertion:
a[*first_hi] ##0 $fell(a) // using "a" instead of signal
//This sequence is always a no match, regardless of the values of the repeat.
//For simplicity, let first_hi==1. Now you have as a sequence
(a[*1] ##0 fell(a) // or more simply
a ##0 fell(a) // and that says that in the very SAME cycle, a==1 and a==0
// What you need is
a[*first_hi] ##1 $fell(a)
// Your property would then read
property double_beat_signal_check(clk, areset_n, signal, first_hi, first_low, second_hi, second_low);
@(posedge clk) disable iff(!areset_n)
$rose(signal) |-> signal[*first_hi] ##1 $fell(signal) ##1 !signal[*first_low]
##1 $rose(signal) ##1 signal[*second_hi]
##1 $fell(signal) ##1 signal[*second_low];
- A second issue is that depeding upon the values of the repeats, a 2nd attempt of the assertion may fail. An attempt ocurs at every $rose(a) in this property. For example:
// assertion $ose(a) |-> a[*2] ##1 !a[*3] ##1 a[*1] ##1 !a[*1]
a 000011111111100000000000011110000
clk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Attempt1 ^
count a==1 1 2 1 P // assertion pases
count a==0 1 2 3 1
Attempt2 ^
count a==1 1 F // assertion FAILS, a[*2] failed
count a==0 1 2 3 1
If you want the assertion to trigger once, use the model (my reply) at
You ca also use the action block to reset that block to zero for pass or fail at the ed of a triggered assertion.
Ben Cohen
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- SVA Alternative for Complex Assertions
Verification Horizons - March 2018 Issue | Verification Academy - SVA: Package for dynamic and range delays and repeats | Verification Academy
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SVA in a UVM Class-based Environment | Verification Horizons | Verification Academy