System verilog assertion

How to assert only once?

In reply to Abhisek sarkar:

How to assert only once?

 initial begin
#20ns;  // or some other wait statement if needed 
Ap_myassertion: assert property{...};


In reply to
I mean it will execute only once?

In reply to Abhisek sarkar:

In reply to
I mean it will execute only once?

Yes. See 16.14.6 Embedding concurrent assertions in procedural code. Or you can use an immediate assertion if you just need to check a boolean expression.

In reply to dave_59:

Another approach is to use a module variable to enable the assertion. Within the assertion, a successful antecedent calls a function to change the value of that variable.

    bit clk, a, b, c, block=0;  
    // If antecedent matches, assertion is fired once, 
    // NO other assertions to be refired.
    function automatic void set_block(bit x);
        block = x; 
    ap_once: assert property(@ (posedge clk) 
    !block ##0 $rose(a) ##1 (b, set_block(1'b1)) |-> 
                                          strong(##[1:$] c)) ;   

Ben Cohen
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