I think this has been asked before but is there any example of introspection/reflection implementation in SV? basically what I want is that given an object such as the following, I can get the members name and type of an object or class.
typedef string m_types_table_t [string];
class obj;
int x;
bit y;
string name;
function m_types_table_t get_members_types();
m_types_table_t table;
//some VPI/DPI to get all the members of a class and their type
// foreach(member[i])
// table[member[i].vpi/dpi get_name()] = member[i].vpi/dpi get_type_name();
return table;
obj my_obj;
m_types_table_t my_table;
my_obj = new();
my_table = my_obj.get_members_types();
{'x': 'int', 'y': bit, 'name' = 'string'}
I understand this is a bit too much to ask but any working example that can be used as starting point is really appreciated.