SV bind in UVM where a parameter is used

In reply to dave_59:

When you use bind, all the identifiers you reference in the instantiation are from the target’s perspective, that includes the parameter override.

module flop
#(parameter width = 1)
(input wire [width-1:0] d,
input wire clk,
input wire rst_n,
output wire [width-1:0] q
endmodule : flop
module top;
typedef logic [7:0]  uint8_t;
typedef logic [15:0] uint16_t;
logic 		clk, rst_n;
uint8_t              d8,q8;
uint16_t             d16, q16;
flop #(8)  u8(.clk, .rst_n, .d(d8), .q(q8));
flop #(16) u16(.clk, .rst_n, .d(d16), .q(q16));
bind flop 
meta_flop_metastability_injector_if #(.WIDTH(width)) i0 (
.meta_ff_d (d),
.dst_clk (clk),
.dst_rst_n (rst_n),
.meta_ff_q (q)
endmodule : top
interface meta_flop_metastability_injector_if 
#(parameter WIDTH = 1)(
input logic [WIDTH-1:0]  meta_ff_d, 
input logic 		  dst_clk,
input logic 		  dst_rst_n,
output logic [WIDTH-1:0] meta_ff_q
initial $display("hello from %m WIDTH: %0d",WIDTH);
endinterface : meta_flop_metastability_injector_if

Hi Dave,
Bind of the interface does not work when input/output is declared within clocking blocks of interface, like the one below(Thats how my 3rd Party VIP is), How do we then bind?

interface meta_flop_metastability_injector_if 
  #(parameter WIDTH = 1)(
			 logic [WIDTH-1:0]  meta_ff_d, 
			 logic 		  dst_clk,
			 logic 		  dst_rst_n,
			 logic [WIDTH-1:0] meta_ff_q
   initial $display("hello from %m WIDTH: %0d",WIDTH);
 clocking master_synch @(posedge sys_clk);   
                         input [WIDTH-1:0]  meta_ff_d, 
			 input 		  dst_clk,
			 input 		  dst_rst_n,
			 output [WIDTH-1:0] meta_ff_q
endinterface : meta_flop_metastability_injector_if