Consider an array.
I am trying to constraint it by using similar to following code.
pipe[i].sum with (item.index < j)
But I keep getting these failures
“This is not a valid built in method name for this object.”
How can I rewrite this. I did not want to do something like below which is hanging my solver. Something inbuilt is helpful
function int sumUntil(row, idx);
for(int i = 0; i < idx; i++) begin
sumUntil += int’(pipe[row][i]);
You want to sum only some columns of your 2d array? Something like below? It was straight forward using a helper array, but I’d like to know if there is a single array solution.
module tb;
class twod;
rand bit [7:0] cells[5][5];
rand bit [7:0] trunc[5][5]; // helper array
constraint c {
// constrain the first two columns of cells to add up to 30
foreach ( cells[r,c] ) {
cells[r][c] inside { 5,10,15,20 };
if ( c < 2 )
trunc[r][c] == cells[r][c];
trunc[r][c] == 0;
foreach ( trunc[r,c] ) {
if ( c == 0 ) {
trunc[r].sum() == 30;
function void show();
foreach ( trunc[r,c] ) begin
$write( "%3d ", trunc[r][c] );
if ( c == 4 )
foreach ( cells[r,c] ) begin
$write( "%3d ", cells[r][c] );
if ( c == 4 )
initial begin
automatic twod td = new;
$display( "randomize == %0b\n", td.randomize() );;
It might help to show some examples of array values you’re looking to see and explain in words, nut SystemVerilog syntax the requirements that the arrays need to meet.
Also, pipe[i].sum with (item.index < j) just returns j-1; a count of items whose index is less than j. You are probably looking for pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j) ? item : 0 )
Sorry for being terse on my example.
Adding more details.
rand oper_e pipe[][]; //oper_e is an enum
Complete constraints that refuses to compile is. I corrected it.
constraint constraint_c3_c {
if(({i,j} != {k,l}) && (pipe[i][j] == pipe[k][l])) {
if(i+pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j)*item)>= (k+pipe[k].sum with ((item.index < l)*item))) {
i+pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j)*item)>= k+pipe[k].sum with ((item.index < l)*item);
}else {
i+pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j)*item) +int'(pipe[i][j]) <= k+pipe[k].sum with ((item.index < l)*item);
} }
if(i+pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j)*item)>= (k+pipe[k].sum with ((item.index < l)*item))) {
xmvlog: *E,QAANBI (,33|53): This is not a valid built in method name for this object. [SystemVerilog].
So changing my example, is the following supposed to work? I want it to behave the same as my other example above.
module tb;
class twod;
rand bit [7:0] cells[5][5];
constraint c {
// constrain the first two columns of cells to add up to 30
foreach ( cells[r,c] ) {
cells[r][c] inside { 5,10,15,20 };
cells[r].sum() with ( item.index < 2 ? item : 0 ) == 30;
function void show();
foreach ( cells[r,c] ) begin
$write( "%3d ", cells[r][c] );
if ( c == 4 )
initial begin
automatic twod td = new;
$display( "randomize == %0b\n", td.randomize() );;
Do you have a better work around to suggest than my previous example? I don’t like solution space partitioning that the function call approach creates.
I didn’t quite understand the 2nd line of constraint c ::
constraint c {
// constrain the first two columns of cells to add up to 30
foreach ( cells[r,c] ) {
cells[r][c] inside { 5,10,15,20 };
cells[r].sum() with ( item.index < 2 ? item : 0 ) == 30; // How does it work ?
If ternary condition is false , how is the 0 used ?