Sum query on a Multi D array

In reply to dave_59:

Hi Dave,

Sorry for being terse on my example.
Adding more details.

rand oper_e pipe[][]; //oper_e is an enum 
Complete constraints that refuses to compile is. I corrected it.
constraint constraint_c3_c  {
                if(({i,j} != {k,l}) && (pipe[i][j] == pipe[k][l])) {
                    if(i+pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j)*item)>= (k+pipe[k].sum with ((item.index < l)*item))) {
                       i+pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j)*item)>=  k+pipe[k].sum with ((item.index < l)*item);
                    }else {
                       i+pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j)*item) +int'(pipe[i][j]) <= k+pipe[k].sum with ((item.index < l)*item);
        }   }

if(i+pipe[i].sum with ((item.index < j)*item)>= (k+pipe[k].sum with ((item.index < l)*item))) {
xmvlog: *E,QAANBI (,33|53): This is not a valid built in method name for this object. [SystemVerilog].