Thanks @ben2 ,
I understand that #-#, #=# don’t have meaning of implication unlike |->, |=>. Therefore, the check is done at every clock. A few articles says no vacuous pass with followed-by operator, #-#, #=#. But they are NOT implication property. So, check is done at every clock unless there is implication before them. Therefore, no vacuous pass in that sense. I misunderstood it and I thought strong
attribute can be applied with #-#. I guess the person who created the following post made the same misunderstanding as me.
Usually, #-# is used to combine two properties as follows.
A |-> B #-# C |-> D
And, I think this is equivalent to the following two properties.
A |-> B
A ##0 B ##0 C |-> D
In this sense, followed-by operators are different from simple concatenation of implication.
A |-> B |-> C |-> D
is equal to
A |-> B
A ##0 B |-> C
A ##0 B ##0 C |-> D
I believe my understanding is correct now.