I take some open source code for my learning purpose and added it into eda. but when i try to run it in eda its give this error “UVM_FATAL i3c_direct_data_seq.sv(2) @ 0 ps: uvm_test_top.env.m_vsequence@@i3c_direct_data_seq [DCLPSQ] uvm_pkg_sv_unit.i3c_direct_data_seq.m_set_p_sequencer uvm_test_top.env.m_vsequence.i3c_direct_data_seq Error casting p_sequencer, please verify that this sequence/sequence item is intended to execute on this type of sequencer”
Not able to identify the actual issue for this. can any one help me this thing. i shared complete code link.
eda link: EDA Playground
test is running: i3c_base_test, sequence is running: i3c_direct_data_seq
You are running the sequence ‘i3_direct_data_seq’ which is generating ‘i3_seq_item’ transactions. This sequence needs to run on a sequencer which is typed appropriately, but you are attempting to run on a virtual sequencer, which cannot generate any sequence items.
You should never use p_sequencer. Instead, you should specifically encapsulate any required data elements within your sequence and set them prior to starting the sequence. In this case, you should pass your agent config to the sequence prior to starting instead of attempting to get the config from the sequencer.
Thanks for response, i am not getting that things, in that code there is 2 sequencer is there one is vertual and taking instance of it in env, and env also make the proper connection with main sequencer. So not understand your point of view, can you add some portion of code here, i hope you have access of provided eda link.