Same define use for multiple

for( genvar slice =0; slice <WRAPPER-1; slice++)begin

xmvlog: E,SVNPSN (,**): The value in the single-bound form of a range must be positive.

I have used `define macros for the multi use of the property, wanted to use the same property(checking for the reset) for the multiple instances.

In reply to muku_383:

`define text macros get expanded before any SystemVerilog code gets parsed. Can you use your property directly with arguments?

In reply to muku_383:

Your issue , as dave said, is the argument m_reste[slice] since the macro is expanded before if gets evaluated. You should use a temp var to store it before and then assign. Regards

In reply to Rsignori92:

Without seeing the macro definition it’s impossible to suggest an alternative.

In reply to dave_59:

`define ah_rst_assert(val)\
 bit ``val``_tb;\
 always @(posedge ``val``_in)begin\
 property ss_``val``_in_assert_property;\
    // logic\

`define trigger_assertions(val,assert_deassert)\
 ``val``_in_``assert_deassert``_check:assert property(ss_``val``_in_``assert_deassert``_property);\



for( genvar slice =0; slice <WRAPPER-1; slice++)begin
endgenerate // error


I hope this might help.

In reply to muku_383:

Not really helpful.

In reply to dave_59:

I will rewrite the complete code for you and share the EDA playground link.