Passing array size as argument for another array inside the task/function

I have an issue where I am trying to pass an array size argument as one of my arguments to the task but it fails.
the code is as follows (not the full version only the important bits):

parameter SIZE_1 = 27;
task task1(input int SIZE, input logic my_array1, input logic my_array2);
   logic my_array3 [0:SIZE-1];
   //rest of the code

task1(SIZE_1, array1, array2);

Thanks in advance,

In reply to gabi0307:

Section 7.4.2 in the LRM states that dimensions for an unpacked array are required to be constant expressions. Using a variable violates this requirement.

You can use a dynamic array instead:

parameter SIZE_1 = 27;
task task1(input int SIZE, input logic my_array1, input logic my_array2);
   automatic logic my_array3[] = new[SIZE-1];
   //rest of the code
task1(SIZE_1, array1, array2);

In reply to cgales:

In reply to gabi0307:
Section 7.4.2 in the LRM states that dimensions for an unpacked array are required to be constant expressions. Using a variable violates this requirement.
You can use a dynamic array instead:

parameter SIZE_1 = 27;
task task1(input int SIZE, input logic my_array1, input logic my_array2);
automatic logic my_array3[] = new[SIZE-1];
//rest of the code
task1(SIZE_1, array1, array2);

the issue is I then need to compare mismatches of 2 arrays and if I define it as dynamic I am comparing between 2 different types of arrays. does it also solve that said issue?

logic my_array1[27];
//the definition you suggested
for(int i; i < 27; i++) begin
   if (my_array1[i] != my_array3[i])
      //do logic

and I received that I am trying to compare between packed and unpacked array

In reply to gabi0307:

The following works:

module testbench();
  localparam SIZE_1 = 27;
  logic array1[27];
  logic array2;

  task task1(input int SIZE, input logic my_array1[27], input logic my_array2);
    automatic logic my_array3[] = new[SIZE-1];
    //rest of the code
    for (int i=0; i<SIZE; i++) begin
      if (my_array1[i] != my_array3[i]) begin
         $display("Mismatch at %0d", i);
      else begin
        $display("Match at %0d", i);
      end //do logic

  initial begin
    task1(SIZE_1, array1, array2);

If there is something different in your environment, please provide a complete example that fails.