Is there a way to disable print statements thrown by the $assertoff

In reply to jigar123:
From my SVA book:
The following presents an example application of the UVM macros
for error reporting and the output displays with various verbosity options. The purpose of this
model is to demonstrate the concepts, rather the affirmation that one assertion statement has lower
(e.g., uvm_info) relevance than a higher one (e.g., (uvm_error).

module uvm_sva_ex; // /ch4/4.2/
import uvm_pkg::*; `include "uvm_macros.svh"
 bit clk, a, b, c, req, ack; 
 parameter CLK_HPERIOD = 10;
 string tID="UART ";
 initial begin : clk_gen forever #CLK_HPERIOD clk <= !clk; end : clk_gen
 default clocking def_cb @ (posedge clk); endclocking : def_cb
 ap_LOW: assert property(a) else
 `uvm_info(tID,$sformatf("%m : error in a %b", a), UVM_LOW); // Line 9
 ap_MEDIUM: assert property(a) else
 `uvm_info(tID,$sformatf("%m : error in a %b", a), UVM_MEDIUM); // Line 11
 ap_HIGH: assert property(a) else
 `uvm_info(tID,$sformatf("%m : error in a %b", a), UVM_HIGH); // Line 13
 ap_FULL: assert property(a) else
 `uvm_info(tID,$sformatf("%m : error in a %b", a), UVM_FULL); // Line 15
 ap_test2: assert property(a) else
 `uvm_error(tID,$sformatf("%m : error in a %b", a)); // Line 17
 ap_handshake0 : assert property ($rose(req) |=> ##[0:4] ack) else
 $error(tID, $sformatf("%m req = %0h, ack=%0h", 
 $sampled(req), $sampled (ack))); // Line 20
 ap_handshake : assert property ($rose(req) |=> ##[0:4] ack) else
 `uvm_error(tID, $sformatf("%m req = %0h, ack=%0h", 
 $sampled(req), $sampled (ack))); // Line 23 
endmodule : uvm_sva_ex
Simulation produced the following results: 
simulation_command +UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_HIGH uvm_sva_ex
run 400ns
# UVM_INFO @ 10: reporter [UART ] uvm_sva_ex.ap_HIGH : error in a 0
# UVM_ERROR @ 10: reporter [UART ] uvm_sva_ex.ap_test2 : error in a 0
# UVM_INFO @ 10: reporter [UART ] uvm_sva_ex.ap_MEDIUM : error in a 0
# UVM_INFO @ 10: reporter [UART ] uvm_sva_ex.ap_LOW : error in a 0
# ** Error: UART uvm_sva_ex.ap_handshake0 req = 0, ack=0
# Time: 170 ns Started: 70 ns Scope: uvm_sva_ex.ap_handshake0 File: Line: 20 Expr: ack
# UVM_ERROR @ 170: reporter [UART ] uvm_sva_ex.ap_handshake req = 0, ack=0

Ben Cohen
** SVA Handbook 4th Edition, 2016 ISBN 978-1518681448

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