Please see my code below. I am trying to use a parameter to selectively import appropriate package into the module during instantiation. I’m at loss how I can apply the parameter around the import statement.
Any suggestions?
module xgphy_regs
#(parameter XGPHY_REG_MAP = 0 )
input logic rstn,
input logic clk,
input logic [0:0] debug_data,
input logic [0:0] status,
reg_if.slave reg_slave_if
// declarations //
//conditionally import package based on XGPHY_REG_MAP parameter value
import xgphy_0_reg_pkg::*;
import xgphy_1_reg_pkg::*;
Thank you.
Best regards,
In reply to shparekh:
SystemVerilog has no feature to parameterize the selection of a package to import.
You might consider putting what was inside your packages into a set of interface, then then connecting the desired interface to the port of your module.
If your package was just a set of parameter values, you might consider creating a struct as a parameter and passing different struct values as a parameter override.
If this doesn’t work for you or does not make sense, you’ll need to provide a better picture of what you are trying to accomplish.
In reply to shparekh:
This seems to compile, see if you can access package variables as well.
if (condition) begin
import xgphy_0_reg_pkg::*;
end else begin
import xgphy_1_reg_pkg::*;
*In reply to mayurkubavat:*That won’t help because the visibility of the import is limited to the scope of the generated blocks.