How to override severity report from UVM_ERROR to UVM_WARNING of a module

I’ve some `uvm_error messages inside a module (checker), which is instantiated at hdl_top module.
I want to change the severity of checker module from UVM_ERROR to UVM_WARNING for certain test-case

`include "uvm_macros.svh"
module checker();
intr_assert: assert property (intr_prop) else `uvm_error ("CHECKER", "intr_assert failed")


So far I’ve tried following as a workaround, but severity didn’t change.

`include "uvm_macros.svh"
import uvm_pkg::*;
module checker();
uvm_report_handler m_rh;    //report handler instance
intr_assert: assert property (intr_prop) else `uvm_error ("CHECKER", "intr_assert failed")

class test_top extends uvm_test;
  virtual task run_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    if (uvm_top.top_levels[0].get_type_name() == "invalid_mode_test") begin
	hdl_top.checker.m_rh = new();
	hdl_top.checker.m_rh.set_severity_id_override(UVM_ERROR, "CHECKER", UVM_WARNING);

I’ve used severity override on a number of occasions for class, worked fine. Does this work for class only? If not then can anyone suggest to me a way?

In reply to Asraful_21:

The `uvm_info/warning/error/fatal macros call the functions uvm_report_info/warning/error/fatal. These functions are defined as methods in the uvm_report_object and uvm_sequence_item classes as well as globally defined in the uvm_pkg. When calling these functions outside a derived class where these methods are not defined, it picks up the global definition. That global definition uses the report handler in uvm_top(uvm_root).

So you can either apply the report setting globally to uvm_top, or construct a log class inside the module for each module instance.

module my_checker;
  `include "uvm_macros.svh"
  import uvm_pkg::*;
  initial #1 
    `uvm_error ("CHECKER", "intr_assert failed")
  uvm_report_object log = new($sformatf("%m"));
  initial #2 
    `uvm_error_context ("CHECKER", "intr_assert failed",log)

module top;
  import uvm_pkg::*;

  my_checker c1();
  my_checker c2();
  initial begin
    uvm_top.set_report_severity_id_override(UVM_ERROR, "CHECKER", UVM_WARNING);
    c1.log.set_report_severity_id_override(UVM_ERROR, "CHECKER", UVM_WARNING);

In reply to dave_59:

Thanks, Dave.
I’ve tried the following and it worked!

 uvm_top.set_report_severity_override(UVM_ERROR, UVM_WARNING);

Even though this works only for reports that have formats like

UVM_WARNING @ 0.470ns: reporter [CHECKER] intr_assert has failed

But doesn’t work for reports from testbench components. For instance, Scoreboard

UVM_ERROR @ 0.142ns: uvm_test_top.environment.scoreboard [SCBD::FAIL] FAILED

Had to provide hierarchical path to demote severity.

Thanks, it was super useful and simple.

By the way, report catcher also works in this case as well.

class report_catcher extends uvm_report_catcher;
  function new (string name = "");;
  function action_e catch; 
	uvm_severity severity  = get_severity(); 
	string       id        = get_id(); 
	uvm_action   action    = get_action(); 
	string       message   = get_message(); 
	int          verbosity = get_verbosity(); 
	if (severity == UVM_ERROR) 
	return THROW; 

class test_top extends uvm_test;
  report_catcher catcher_h;   //report catcher insatance

  function void end_of_elaboration_phase(uvm_phase phase);
    catcher_h = new("catcher_h");
    uvm_report_cb::add(null, catcher_h); 