How ,to get type of instance_name

I want to check type of instance_name on systemVerilog, by implementing boucle "if else ". How to do it ?

In reply to uvm_share:

Assume there is a check_type(instance_name) function. What are you expecting it to do? And how would you use it? Try explaining with example code.

Therer is my code i want to check type of instance (master_interface), so for making this, what is the right way to follow ?

ahb_interface master_interface ; 
if (master_interface instanceof ahb_interface) begin 
    $display ("Ok") ; 
    $display ("NO"); 

In reply to uvm_share:

That really does not explain what you are trying to accomplish. ahb_interface appears on the line above the if statement. How could you not know it is an ahb_interface?

In reply to uvm_share:

Not a suggestion, but you can accomplish this with $typename. Here’s an example:

module dut;
  class myclass;
  initial begin
    myclass myclass_inst = new();
    string myclass_inst_str = $typename(myclass_inst);
    string myclass_str = $typename(myclass);
    $display("type_str: %s inst_str: %s", myclass_str, myclass_inst_str);
    if (myclass_str == myclass_inst_str) begin
    end else begin
