I am new to SystemVerilog. I am writing a simple task which can create N events in M cycles randomly(N is less than M). An event is said to be created when a signal (let’s say force_event) is high for one cycle.
Can someone help with this? Thanks.
In reply to stupidkris1010:
You left a lot of details out, but if this task is taking M as an argument and returns after M cycles, you could create an array of bits and set them to create an event
task randevents(int M)
bit list[];
list = new[M]; // creates a list of M bits
randomize (list) with {list.sum(int'(item)) < M}; // constrain the sum of bit to be less than M
foreach(list[ii]) @(posedge clock) force_event <= list[ii];
In reply to dave_59:
Hi Dave,
Sorry for late reply and leaving a lot of details undeclared. But your solution helped me solve my problem.
In reply to dave_59:
In reply to stupidkris1010:
You left a lot of details out, but if this task is taking M as an argument and returns after M cycles, you could create an array of bits and set them to create an event
task randevents(int M)
bit list[];
list = new[M]; // creates a list of M bits
randomize (list) with {list.sum(int'(item)) < M}; // constrain the sum of bit to be less than M
foreach(list[ii]) @(posedge clock) force_event <= list[ii];
i want full code
In reply to mahendray:
So did I, but we never got it.