Is it possible to generate a list of input/output ports + instantiation in top module based on the parameter configured by user?
The top module has hierarchy:
– axi_slave (AXI Slave ports + control and status ports)
– core (control and status ports)
If user configures parameter AXI_SLAVE = 1:
- The top module should only have AXI Slave ports.
- axi_slave module should get instantiated.
- core module should get instantiated.
- axi_slave contain registers whose bits are taken out and mapped to control and status ports of core module.
If user configures parameter AXI_SLAVE = 0:
- The top module should only have control and status ports(same that of core).
- axi_slave module should NOT get instantiated.
- core module should get instantiated but with different set of port mapping (one-to-one with top).
I wonder how this can be implemented (preferably without using interface feature of SV)…